Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Plan

So, the plan is to get my regular group of fellow gamers together and run the entire Drow War series from start to finish. The campaign will be published in three books covering levels 1 to 30, at 10 levels per book. The first book is available now, and I have a PDF copy of it from Drive Thru RPG, an online store that sells electronic copies of pen-and-paper RPG material. Book two is supposed to be available in October 2005, and there's no date yet on book three.

If you read my review you know that I think this book kicks ass! I assume the 2nd and 3rd book will be as good.

The current incarnation of Dungeons and Dragons assumes four players and the Dungeon Master. I intend to have at least five players and hopefully seven or eight. Assuming I get the bigger group I will need to modify the Drow War to properly challenge the players. Why would I do this? Because I'm a masochist. OK, not really . . . it's because I have very fond memories of the "good old days" of playing Dungeons and Dragons with ten or twelve people at one time, and I want to try to recapture some feelings from my youth. I'm also an egomaniac, and I love to have as many people under my power as possible; the bigger the group, the more PCs I get to kill.

So, in the next three weeks or so I will spring this idea on the players and beg them to all make up cool characters to play in this game. I will post the characters, as well as my "house rules" for how the game will run.

I intend to post full "game day" reports of what happens in each game as well as some fiction to capture the feel of the game in a short-story or novella format.

Anyhow, that's enough for now. I'll post character creation rules shortly.

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