Characterization Made Easy
Please fill out this survey about your character:
Characterization Made Easy
- Background
- Where was your character born?
- Who raised him?
- What was happening in the region when your character was growing up?
- Does your character have any relatives?
- Motivation
- What are your character’s immediate goals? What would he like to do in the coming year?
- What are his long-term goals?
- What type of person would be his ideal mate?
- Who is his patron deity? Is he a devout worshiper?
- Is he a devout member of any nonreligious cause?
- Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion or the like against which he is strongly prejudiced?
- What is his greatest fear?
- What is the one task he absolutely refuses to do?
- Idiosyncrasies
- What is your character’s motto or favorite saying?
- What is his favorite color?
- Describe what he would wear if money were no object?
- What is his favorite food? Drink?
- What is his favorite animal?
- What habits of his friends annoy him most?
- Traits: rank each trait from 1 to 10
- Courtesy
- Valor
- Self-sacrifice
- Generosity
- Sobriety
- Calm temper
- Optimism
- Curiosity
- Forgiveness
- Cheerfulness
- Patience
- Honesty
- Helpfulness
- Loyalty
- Miscellaneous
- What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely resembles your character?
- What would be his theme song?
- If his friends were to write his epitaph, what would it be?
- What would be his job in modern society?
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