Wednesday, August 17, 2005

House Rules

Character Creation

The following rules apply to character creation for player characters. Note that these rules do not apply to cohorts if a character has the leadership feat.

  • Ability scores are generated using a point buy with 28 points
  • All PCs should choose a "star sign" from the player packet
  • All PCs have action points


  • Knowledge checks to identify creatures based on hit-dice are modified as follows: the base check is hit dice plus ten (or more depending on the rarity of the creature). For every two points above the base check the character learns one additional fact about a given creature type.
  • Diplomacy skill checks will follow the rules found here.


  • Divine casters have access to all spells in the Player's Handbook. Spells from other sources are available to research, and some may be made available otherwise. Arcane casters may choose spells known from any source with DM approval.
  • The alter self, polymorph, etc. class of spells are modifed as outlined here and here.

Magic Items

  • The magebane ability is too powerful as a +1 weapon enhancement. It is now a +2 weapon enhancement. There is a lesser version that is a +1 weapon enhancement that works only against critters with actual arance spell casting (wizards, dragons, etc., but not demons, devils, drow).

Character Retraining

On gaining a new level a player may make changes to his/her character using the character retraining options from Players Handbook II.