Sunday, January 01, 2006

Chapter Five: Return to Saragost

After spending the night in the wilderness near Saragost, the heroes arrive early on the morning of March 27 to find the great mass of refugees outside the walls gone. They make quickly to find Lady Arigane to exchange information. They tell her all about Petrus Carolus and the events at the Colombe mansion. She knows of Petrus and names him one of the most powerful wizards in all of Chillhame . . . and one of the most evil.

Lady Arigane informs the Starborn that she and Michael Dunlavy have prevailed upon the council to allow the refugees into the city without any restriction. While this irritated Count Crastic to no end, Sir Jeren sided with them and Grandlord Peregrine had little choice but to accept the decision. Most of the refugees have entered the city although some hundreds have set up a camp in the woods south of the city. Lady Arigane also advises the party that she has discovered the location of the Starborn sacred place, known as a Node, under the main city square within the elven sewers. It seems that some old maps and tales tell of a massive stone block which no one could penetrate. The builders of the city decided to build over and around the place. Finally, Lady Arigane also tells the heroes that the Duergar have reached the town of Lower Scumsgrove. They have moved much faster between Lichgate and Lower Scumsgrove than they did previously.

During the day the heroes split up to cover more ground and discover what they can about the happenings in Saragost. Rumus, Neil and Tilk make for the Hall of Echoes to put to use the knowledge the gained from Albie the golem. Casey and Rygorh head over to the Temple of Firinna to learn what they can there. Alev and the Knife make for a magistrates office to dig up information about the burglaries that occurred around the city before their arrival.

Casey and Rygorh learn nothing new from Jaramus Artelmay, the acolyte of Firinna. He has no contact with the Midnight Enclave and knows no one that has such contact.

Neil, Rumus and Tilk confirm the identities of the former Starborn in the Hall of Echoes. They also learn their professions. Finally, they learn that Starkweather John was not the last of the Starborn to fall. It seems and elf named Severil Blackthorn survived the battles on Chillhame and later disappeared from anyone's knowledge.

Alev and the Knife manage to learn a bit about the recent burglaries. Many warehouses in and around the docks have been burglarized. In nearly all cases the only things stolen were alchemical materials. Alev does some quick figuring and determines that the materials stolen are sufficient to create a massive explosive device that could destroy the city gate or a section of the wall. He later advises the council of the situation.

The Knife spends a bit of time in the market searching for a likely suspect . . . a member of the local thieves' guild. He eventually spots a rather accomplished pick pocket. He confronts the fellow and asks about "joining up." The man pretends not to understand the Knife's meaning, but clearly indicates he does and might be in touch.

Late in the afternoon the heroes make for the Node under the town square. The slog through six to eight inches of foul sewer sludge for some hundreds of feet. The tunnels are cramped, being only about five feet in diameter. They reach a jet black wall which has the outlines of a door on it. Neil touches the door and it vanishes. A gust of stale and ancient air puffs out of the chamber beyond and several shadows emerge. The heroes manage to dispatch three of the creatures but at least half a dozen disappear into the bowels of the city . . . surely trouble will come of this later.

Inside the chamber the Starborn feel at peace, much like they did on the Tump. Surely this is the place they have sought. Later they will return to rest here in an effort to protect Rumus from the Midnight Enclave. They decide that the Knife and Casey will take rooms at the Graybeard Inn; hopefully they can make a peaceful contact with the Midnight Enclave.

Later in the evening, when most of the heroes have bedded down inside the Node they notice luminescent figures on the walls in the darkness . . . the signs of the Stars are here, just like they were at the Tump . . .

As he is getting ready for bed Rygorh finds something in his pocket that he did not put there. It is a hand-sized, crudely carved wooden statue of a man . . . a half-man, half-canine crouched down and poised to spring.

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Blogger Brent Nall said...

The carving it not magical.

It does not appear to have the ability to play poker or do anything else for that matter.

You don't know where it came from or why it's in Rygorh's pocket, but Rygorh might.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Brent Nall said...

The carving is more hybrid, kind of like a lycanthrope.

Rygorh (nor anyone else) has never seen anything like it. You have no idea what it is or where it came from.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Raj said...

In response to Rozanne's email:

ooc: I assume we haven't left yet. I haven't said anything because I don't feel I have anything to add at the moment.

The knife looks up at Casey angrily, but only for a moment. He relaxes, nods and leans back, shutting his eyes. His face shows an uncommon look of serenity.

"Let me know when you're ready to go Casey, I want to make sure I can be found tonight."

1:50 PM  
Blogger Raj said...

I'll try and make contact with the Enclave tonight and see if I can figure out why they want Rumus dead and if possible who called in the hit. Casey, watch my back if you can but keep yourself safe. This is a dangerous game I'm playing with the Enclave but I'm willing to take the risk. There's no sense in you getting into to unless absolutely necessary. Whatever we do, we don't go back to the sewers and we don't keep any physical evidence of where the "coffin" is like a map back there, just in case. The rest of you stay safe and we'll find you tomorrow, don't come looking for us. I also had an idea. That statue Rygorh found looks pretty unique. Neil, you were able to find unique items through magic, its possible some of our foes are trying to use that to do the same. Would you mind if I took it with me?

6:57 PM  

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