Saturday, February 25, 2006

Chapter Eight: Crescent City (The Cathedral of Blessed Marius)

Alev, Dinah and Seebo spent a few hours knocking around town and wandered over to the Cathedral of Blessed Marius. This massive marble structure is the center of Marianism on Ashfar. This huge building towers above the others in the city centre, giving the whole sprawling mass of the city a focus point. It was built only thirty years ago, when the royal family officially embraced Marianism as the religion of Caldraza and funded cathedrals in all the major cities. The white marble gleams in the sunlight, owing to the relatively recent construction and the deligent work of the faithful to keep the place clean.

The place is a vast, grim, joyless structure, designed to convey the permanence of Law. There are no decorations or architectural touches. Everything is stark and geometric, as if to say that mathematics (rather than beauty or morals) is what connects man with the eternal. A central window in the main tower is circular with six radiating spokes, the image of the great Wheel from Marius' vision.

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Blogger Raj said...

On the way to the Cathedral, I'll drop off the Chain Shirt to be resized. Beyond that I have nothing in particular I want to do. Should I attempt to befriend one of the crime organizations in town?

3:18 PM  
Blogger Raj said...

One other thing I want to do is try and find out who originally owned the Gray Reaver and see if they have a presence in Crescent City. As much as I hate to do it, the Drow stole this ship from them and we should return it if we can find them.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Raj said...

I still say we should put forth a good faith effort to find them, its the right thing to do. If we can't find them in say the next two weeks, we can assume ownership of the ship.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Raj said...

That'd be Captain Seebo!


2:35 PM  
Blogger Raj said...

Ok, so what if it did come from another port and the merchant company that owned it doesn't have a presence here? Do you suggest we not even try and just assume that we can't right this wrong? Rather than suggest why it would be difficult or even impossible to accomplish this, why not try and suggest something positive? I mean seriously, I don't want talk about why we can't do this. The minute we start thinking about why we can't or won't or shouldn't do anything, that sort of negativity is going to sunder us. So what if we can't find em? At least we tried and damnit, thats the right thing to do!

And as far as our "weapons" go, it'll happen in due time, just have some faith. We're not fighting against destiny here, we're riding the wave. As passionate as you are about this cause, you have to know where our limits are. Right now, we agreed to take 2 weeks, get some R&R and see what we can find out about the Ragged Man and this Severil guy. Lets just stick to that plan for now and worry about the Starborn items and the world crisis later.

3:17 PM  

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