Current Character Roster
Updated Saturday, June 3, 2006
Old character roster
- Chris: Tilk, chaotic good human barbarian (2)/wizard (transmuter)(4)/rage mage (1) from Boskendale; struggling to survive; not an adventurer by choice.
- Star: the Reaper
- Deity: Wohoon (CN)
- Homeland: Boskendale
- XP: 24,753 (28,000)
- Jeff: Cornelius "Neil" Stringfellow, neutral good strongheart halfling cleric (8)/Mystic Traveler (1) of Old Heakun from Verd; traveling the world to explore.
- Star: the Wave
- Deity: Old Heakun (N)
- Homeland: Verd
- XP: 36,350 (45,000)
- Josh: Alevonius "Alev" Talon, lawful neutral human warmage (8) from Jehannum; seeking experience to one day lead a military outfit.
- Star: the Rose
- Deity: Aranu (LN)
- Homeland: Jehannum
- XP: 35,075 (36,000)
- Mike: Rygorh, chaotic good human cleric (4)/fighter (2)/warpriest (3) of Firinna from the Scarred Lands; scratching along in life to survive.
- Star: the Reaper
- Deity: Firinna (CN)
- Homeland: the Eagle Nations
- XP: 39,657 (45,000)
- NPC (Rygorh's cohort): Ashton, chaotic good human fighter (2)/ranger (5) from Hockton Barrow in Chillhame; follower of Firinna that has pledged himself to the cause of the Starborn and to Rygorh in particular.
- Raj: Seebo "the Knife", chaotic good (mostly) strongheart halfling rogue (3)/Ranger (2)/Whisper Knife (3)/Master Thrower (1) from Verd; traveling the world to satisfy wanderlust.
- Star: the Great Wolf
- Deity: Arosi (CN)
- Homeland: Verd
- XP: 37,382 (45,000)
- Rozanne: Casey Straton, chaotic good human fighter (2)/ranger (3)/dervish (3) from Kahoor; fleeing her responsibility as the daughter of a Kahooran noble.
- Star: the Satyr
- Deity: Hombel (LG)
- Homeland: Kahoor
- XP: 34,405 (36,000)
- Tara: Dinah Murphy, lawful good paladin (2)/sorcerer (4)/spellsword (2) from Jehannum; she is a strict militarist that is following in her father's and brothers' footsteps.
- Star: the Unicorn
- Deity: Hombel
- Homeland: Jehannum
- XP: 35,161 (36,000)
- Zed: Kettle Bricknell, neutral good dwarf fighter (1)/dungeon engineer (6) from Underdell.
- Star: the Flail
- Deity: Hombell
- Homeland: Underdell
- XP: 32,667 (36,000)
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