Neil: Magic Items
Magic items . . . the power of spells permanently imbued into physical gear. Nothing feels like a new piece of equipment being suffused with magic. The glow and pulse of the energy. The echoes of spells cast and prayers chanted. The scent of fresh incense burning in the censer. And then . . . birth is given to a new device.
Spells are great; don't get me wrong. They are the conduit of magic for most creatures. But they are fleeting and temporary. Magic gear on the other hand may radiate its power and be utilized for hundreds of years. Not for a few mere minutes per day, like spells. No, these items function all day, every day.
I've imbued several items myself. Yeah, really. Cloaks and amulets and bracers . . . some are defensive, some heighten a persons natural abilities and talents. But these are all minor items in the grand scheme of the world, trinkets with minor powers to aid those who wield them.
I still depend on others for some spells needed to craft. Heakun, why are these arcane and druidic magics denied me? Are you not the god of magic? I would never abandon you to learn these things, but I think you should consider granting your followers a broader range of magic. Yes . . . I suppose I do ask for too much. It's not that I'm ungrateful. I just wish to become a better example to the world. A true disciple of Heakun, who can accomplish anything with magic. I wish to show the world the power and beauty of our beloved energies.
I'm also ready to imbue stronger magics such as these boots of speed, which Rygohr wants. My understand of how to imbue magic into physical objects has grown immensely over the last few months. Given the time and funds (and your blessings Heakun), I think I . . . I mean we . . . could make some damn powerful items. But despite my desire, these items would still be inanimate & unconscious.
Heakun, when will you share the secrets of imbuing life into my work? I can heal people and repair objects, but when do I get to create life, an intelligence in and of itself? Or even something like my new Starborn amulet? It's amazing! A magic item that grows in power as the wielder grows in experience and ability. This must be some powerful magic!
But someone, somewhere has surely aspired and succeeded in accomplish such feats. You guide me & share your wisdom, but sometimes I think you drop me into bad situations on purpose. Is this to build character? Or make me stronger, the whole "what doesn't kill you" thing? I suppose you have your reasons. My abilities to control the energies of the universe are growing. And some day I will learn these secrets. If I have to journey to every corner of the world & read vast libraries, I will learn to bestow life into my creations. The secrets are out there, somewhere. And I will find them.
Perhaps some day I will even channel your blessings into a new place of power. A place where our brethren can come to worship you and delight in your presence. A place awash with the energies of the universe, healing, blessing & attuning visitors to magic. Something with the power of these nodes, to restore life to broken bodies. A living, conscious temple, where everyone can revel in the power of magic.
How does that whole coming back to life thing work anyway?
More incense? What? Oh yea . . . I've gotta finish this amulet today. Very well, back to the present. But some day . . .
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