Friday, May 12, 2006

Chapter Eleven: Loose Ends

May 31, 998 CE

The heroes have regained their Starborn items and are ready to face the Host. There are a few loose ends to tie up. What will you do about the poor lady accused of murder? Surely she is not the face thief. What about the Vargouilles rampaging in the Swamp Elf lands? What about the possibility of the Swamp Elves revolting? What are the Drow up to?

Alev has arranged to meet with Archbishop Vigilance for later today. Rygorh has a similar meeting arranged with Lord Malthus? What are your plans? What are you trying to accomplish?

The accused murder is a waitress at a local tavern. Her name is Elizabeth Saunders. The deceased was a merchant and patron at the tavern. It seems they planned an evening tryst . . . they never made it back to her place. She was caught, quite literally, red-handed by the city guard. How will you protect her? Will you protect her?

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