Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Character Spotlight: Seebo "the Knife"


Seebo Hallowfield
  1. Where was your character born? The Knife hails from the island nation of Verd.
  2. Who raised him? Seebo's parents raised him until he was fourteen.
  3. What was happening in the region when your character was growing up? Verd has long been an isolationist land with limited contact with the elves of Xoth Sarandi.
  4. Does your character have any relatives? The Knife has no living relatives. His parents were killed in a freak farming accident when he was fourteen.


  1. What are your character’s immediate goals? The Knife wants to see the world. The bug of wanderlust combined with boredom pushed him to leave home.
  2. What type of person would be his ideal mate? Seebo does not seek a mate at this time.
  3. Who is his patron deity? Is he a devout worshiper? The Knife pays lip service to Arosi of the Callistan pantheon. He is not a devout worshiper.
  4. Is he a devout member of any nonreligious cause? The Knife is the first (and only) member of the Verdan Explorer's League.
  5. Is there any race, creed, alignment, etc. against which he is strongly prejudiced? The Knife is an open-minded sort that lets people prove their worth before making judgments. He's pretty much happy go lucky.
  6. What is his greatest fear? The Knife fears losing wonder of the things in the world.
  7. What is the one task he absolutely refuses to do? The Knife will not crawl into tight spots. If you won't do it, neither will he.


  1. What is your character's motto or favorite saying? He doesn't have one.
  2. What is his favorite color? Green.
  3. Describe what he would wear if money were no object: The Knife would wear flamboyant and bright colored clothes that can turn inside out into dark nondescript clothes.
  4. What is his farovrite food and drink? The Knife likes a nice MLT: mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich as long as the mutton is nice and lean.
  5. What is his favorite animal? The Knife likes his pet squirrel, Lucky, who he left at home on Verd.
  6. What habits of his friends annoy him the most? The Knife does not like for others to make fun of the less fortunate. People who think they are better than others really annoy him.


Courtesy: 7 Valor: 8 Self-sacrifice: 6 Generosity: 8
Sobriety: 7 Calm Temper: 5 Optimism: 9 Curiosity: 10
Forgiveness: 4 Cheerfulness: 9 Patience: 7 Honesty: 8
Helpfulness: 8 Loyalty: 9    


  1. What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely resembles your character? John Cussack's character from the movie Grosse Pointe Blank, only shorter, like a halfling.
  2. What would be his job in modern society? As little as possible; enjoy life and just scrape along to pay the bills.
  3. What would his theme song be?Haunted by Poe

Character history part I, part II, part III.

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