Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Knife: History Repeats Itself

So there you have it. They all turned on me without a second thought. I admit I had acted a little quickly and let myself get a tad bit out of control but that was still no reason for all of them to come down on me as hard as they did. No, it really offended me that these people who I had thought I could count among my friends would turn their backs on me so quickly. It's like Greenfield all over again.

Hm? Oh yeah. After warning the council, I left for Hockton Barrow to meet back up with them. Once back together again, we headed back to Saragost to speak to the Council as a group. Apparently there we were expected. One of the city guard Captains jumped us just inside the gate. Apparently he was part of a secret underground organization that infiltrated Saragost and wants us dead. Why? Because we're special of course. In this war, for every Hero there is an Anti-Hero. This group, I assume, is part of the force working against us.

So we met with the council and told them our story, which they seemed interested to hear of course. They said there were two towns they had not heard from and we should go warn them and bring word as quickly as possible.

So we did, and we saved them. Because we're Heroes. The Duergar marched on past Bronce, through Lichgate and on to Lower Scumsgrove. They moved with unexpected speed so time was getting short.

But that's not the real problem. One of the council members, Lady Arigaine, has taken a particular interest in us. Most everyone counts her as an ally where those we can trust are in short supply. She seems alright, I don't think she wishes foulness upon us. I don't like her though. She talked down to us. She belittled what we thought was important and blew it off as if it meant little or nothing in the greater scheme of things. What she fails to realize, what most fail to realize is that while something may not be important to them, that doesn't make it any less important to us. No, this is a disease of nobility and I see it far too often. I tend to agree with Rygorh, perhaps not so vehemently, but most nobility care little for anything more than themselves.

So I returned my Freeman Badge. What? The Freeman Badge was a reward for warning Saragost of the impending army. It grants some privilege in the city, useful sometimes, but mostly for show. That's not really my sort of thing. Alev felt it necessary to hold onto mine though, I didn't stop him.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the treason of the Starborn. Rygorh started getting a little out of hand. I maybe get a little angry sometimes but I haven't ever seen such pent up frustration, such pure unadulterated ire as I did with him. The man is teeming with anger just waiting for someone to focus it on. He chose Arigaine and I can't really blame him though I think he may have gone too far.

So I tried to reason with him. I tried to talk to him rationally. It was the damnedest thing though. His anger is infectious. I found myself losing control and speaking not with the voice of reason and logic, but with the voice of anger and frustration. I don't think I've ever in my entire life been as angry as I was when talking to him. For some crazy reason I took what he said as a personal attack on my character.

It just degraded from there. I think I actually took to attacking his character myself. That's not who I am. That's not who I want to be. I don't think I ever apologized to him either. I think I'll do that next time I see him.

So then Alev starts in on me, followed by Rumus. All the while me and Rygorh are going at each other like a pack of wild dogs. I think the one that hurt the most though was Casey.

See, I knew what was happening. I knew the road I was walking down and it wasn't a good one so I took some time to myself to work it all out. I walked the city and did some hard thinking. In the end, I found my peace, I found myself again.

I guess Casey missed all that. I wasn't arguing with Rygorh anymore. I wasn't a vile ball of anger anymore. In fact, Petrus never once set me off, though there was definitely good reason. Hm? Oh. Petrus was some wizard researching stuff about the Starborn and the Host. He found something but we're not sure what. We have some notes but it's hard to make anything out of them.

But back to the matter at hand. Casey scolded me like some child acting out against his parents. Of all of them I thought she understood. I must have been wrong. It is Greenfield all over again. At least back then I could leave those assholes behind. Here, I'm stuck with the Starborn though. Why did she have to pick me?

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