Thursday, March 09, 2006

Seebo: Reflections on Death

"Were you trying to teach me a lesson? Was I too excited at the prospect of meeting death and then coming back? Was I just a little bit too curious? You're just plain mean.

"Well, lesson learned. I'm not going to go and try to meet death any sooner than I'm supposed to. The idea of being munched on the last moments of my life is extremely unappealing. Truth be told the last thought that ran through my head as I was slipping away was 'I don't want to die.' Are you happy now? You find out the true mettle of someone's convictions, the truth about what they really want when faced with the very real possibility it can come to pass. I'm not curious about death anymore; you did you job fine. Now don't do it again.

"Sorry, I forget who I'm talking to sometimes. It's just that I've come to really appreciate these talks we have. Well, I mean I talk and you listen, but it still helps a lot. So when are you going to start contributing? Yeah, I know I ask you this every time we talk but it'd kind of help if you would let me know you're listening. You know, just so I know for sure. I mean I have faith and all. I think. Hm.

"Anyway, though, on to bigger things; do you think this maze thing in Crescent City is a Starborn related thing? It's only been there for ten years and the last Starborn was a thousand years ago. It could have been passed along the generations though. Maybe there already is a secret society devoted to helping the Starborn every time the equinox comes. I doubt it though seeing as we've had so much trouble. Petrus was able to find out the Equinox has come; there's no reason the secret society wouldn't be able to do the same. And if so, they should have been looking for us. No, I highly doubt there's anyone out there that's going to help us except the friends we make along the way.

"Let's hope this trek into the swamps is all worth it. I almost died once. I'd hate to almost die again, or worse. If you feel up to it and have the time, maybe give us a blessing or something, just to help us along. We are after fighting for the good of the world, vanquishing evil and such."

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