Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Chronicles of Rygorh: Aftermath

Sitting alone in this cabin these last couple of days contemplating the events that have transpired for the last few weeks, I realize that we did the best that we could have. I must be getting weak; in my lifetime I have seen so much death and destruction but never have I had such an empty feeling in my stomach. Whenever I try to sleep those faces of the people of Saragost seem to haunt my dreams. I can still see their faces as they prepare to defend the city. I see the bartender cussing me as I order my morning brew, the people walking the streets going on with their lives. Now that is over, freedom is lost to those people they will now live under an evil dictatorship, "Sigh." Pinning the Freeman of Saragost badge back upon his chest, "I once considered this a badge of servitude to law now it has become a badge of vengeance for me, a remembrance of what happened and a memorial for those who gave their life for freedom's sake. Even living under the tyrannical rule of a human noble would be better for them than the life that awaits the survivors now. In this I must keep myself aware and put aside my contempt for Human lords."

I have been in so many battles, wielded the destructive power of the Goddess by bringing down many a noble with war and fire. Ah yes, the days when all I was concerned with was teaching people how to live free in Chaos, rallying them to war to bring down their self-appointed lord. Hmmm, there was that Duke Burness or something like that, he built his lands on the backs of others then left them with little food or money to live on with his taxes. Took me what, three, four battles to bring him down, but now the lands he claimed are free. Of course, the tri-alliance was a tough one, the temple fought them before I was born and finally after many battles and deaths we brought them down. Oh, I took such pleasure in removing that lord's head and displaying it for the crowds. Well, he was the one who sent armed men to attack the temple. Yes, vengeance was sweet that day for sure; he earned his death many times. How many lives did he steal with his laws? That is a feeling I will feel again when I remove the head of the Drow bitch responsible for Saragost.

Well now, my companions are not taking this well at all. I still don't know their backgrounds but I am guessing war has not been part of it. Knife spends most his days huddled up on deck by himself while Casey seems to prefer the company of her horse these days. Alev seems fine and Rumus has not left his cabin. Tilk, may be a bigger issue, he hasn't looked right since being raised from the dead; now he sits in his cabin claiming sea sickness but I wonder. Neil, well as odd as it sounds I haven't seen him taking to the air since we left; that is not him at all. I am guessing that this is the first time they have lost and are feeling the weight of failure upon their shoulders. I must speak with them, help them to understand life does go on and it is for us to make those who did this to Saragost pay. A war is not won or lost by the outcome of one battle; we did all that we could with what was given us. Yeah, I must speak to them and try to bring them out of their miseries looking towards that glorious day when vengeance is ours.

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