Timeline (Book I, Part 2)
Timeline begins here.
April 998 CE
April 10
Arrive in Crescent City . . .
April 11
First day in Crescent City; some of the heroes check out the Cathedral of Blessed Marius.
April 12
Second day in Crescent City; Neil and Lorelei learn about Marianism.
April 13
Third day in Crescent City; Lorelei, Neil and Rygorh find some information about Kharad.
April 14
Fourth day in Crescent City; Lorelei befriends a swamp elf slave.
In the evening Seebo and others of the Starborn speak to Lady Arigane via magic.
April 15
The heroes spend some more time checking out rumors in Crescent City.
April 16
While Rygorh and Neil slave away at their mystical arts, the rest of the heroes try to get answers to questions raised by their recent reconnoitering.
April 17 - 24
The heroes spent a bit over a week in Crescent City while Rygorh, Rumus and Neil did magical research and crafting. During this time the heroes rested, recuperated and investigated the pleasures of Crescent City.
April 25
Accompanied by Greenroot, Autumntree and nearly a dozen of their kin, the Starborn set off up the Sappent River looking for the Temple of Kharad in the swamps. See the "sights" of the riverlands: swamp elf slaves working the fields around elaborate plantations.
April 26
Continue journeying up the river; fight a pair of Chuuls in the afternoon.
April 27
Reach the River Fort, the last outpost of Crescent City. Submit to a search by the guards of the fort. Neil manages to convince the guards that the heroes are on a legal slave gathering expedition.
Stay the night at a swamp elf village. Meet many more swamp elves. Fight and kill a dozen rampaging vargouilles during the night. Discuss the situation with the swamp elves and discover that these creatures come from the Valjean plantation. Resolve to root out the dangers of the plantation on the way home.
Greenroot instructs the party to continue up the river for about two days until they come to a major fork. Take the right hand fork to its end and they will find the temple of the dead god there. The swamp elves will go no farther with the heroes. Greenroot also warns them of a dragon in the swamp.
April 28
Begin journey from swamp elf village to the temple.
Encounter an aboleth and his skum slaves. Make fairly quick work of the beast as he was unable to overcome their will with is enslave ability.
Resume journey up river; expect two to four days from temple.
April 30
Meet Father Abstinence in the Hogglepot Marshes. Take a couple of days' rest at the Mission of the Blessed Marius in the swamp.
May 998 CE
May 2 - 4
Travel through the Hogglepot Marshes towards the Temple of Kharad. Find the statue of the "dead god" in the swamp and eventually make it to the temple. See a spectral elf in the swamp watching the heroes.
May 5 - 10
Spend several days inside the Temple of Kharad fighting undead, constructs and unintelligent vermin and such, deal with traps, solve puzzles and work towards finding the Ragged Man . . . no dice so far.
May 11
After nearly a week inside the Temple of Kharad the heroes make their way to the top of the temple to face the Ragged Man. Serveril Blackthorn, an evil wizard turned cleric who was once a Starborn companion of Starkweather John explains a bit to them and then hands over the Orb of Azurite . . . and promptly dies.
May 13
Stay overnight with Father Abstinence at his mission while making for Crescent City.
May 15
Encounter drow assassins sent to kill the Starborn. Kill most of the enemies and capture two spellcasters. Casey falls to the death magic of a drow priestess of She.
May 16
Come upon the remains of the Greenroot's village. All of the elves are dead or fled. It appears many of them have become vargouilles . . . their headless bodies lend credence to this thought.
May 19
Arrive at Crescent City. Seek and find the Starborn node in the upper floor of the city hall. Speak with Lord Malthus, the Governor of Crescent City to get permission to enter.
May 20
Seebo, Tilk and Ashton arrested and held most of the day. Tilk served a fine meal and given a bag of gems in exchange for conversation with Lord Malthus. Seebo and Ashton released after about 12 hours with no food, water or information.
May 21
Seebo seeks out Lord Raglan. Has a few run ins with folks at the Merry Jackdaw tavern. Several of the Starborn go to the Central Bank of Crescent City to find out about the vault and Starborn items held there. Alev and Casey have a pleasant conversation with Archbishop Vigilence Derrick.
May 22 - 28
The heroes run down rumors, Neil spends some time crafting magical items, additional contacts with Archbishop Vigilance and Lord Malthus. Eventually they discover a way to get into the thieves' maze. Encounter some creature or force that is the "face thief." Later see a hysterical woman covered in blood who is arrested as the "face thief."
May 29
Enter the thieves' maze and make off with Seebo's magical gloves.
May 30
Use trickery and a magical key to get access to the Starborn items in the Central Bank of Crescent City. The heroes are fully armed and ready now!
May 31
Spend a day contemplating next moves. Rygorh sets up another meeting with Lord Malthus and Alev seeks out Archbishop Vigilance. They are making efforts to keep the poor lady from being hanged for a crime she didn't commit . . . she is not the face thief.
June 998 CE
June 1
Rygorh rallies the swamp elves. Seebo, Casey and Ashton scope out the warehouse where Neil located Drow sleep poison. Alev meets with Archbishop Vigilance to advise him of the heroes plans for the haunted plantation.
June 2 - 3
Travel through the swamp towards the Valjean plantation. Stay overnight on June 3 at Greenroot's abandoned village.
June 4
Enter and clense the Valjean plantation house of its demonic evils.
June 5 - June 7
Travel through the Hogglepot Marshes back to Crescent City after clearing the Valjean Plantation. Arrive in Crescent City on the afternoon of June 7.
June 8 - June 28
Spend several weeks crafting magical items, resting and investigating various things in Crescent City.
June 28, midnight
The Starborn have a prophetic dream about the drow.
June 29 - July 8
Lay low in Crescent City while Neil and Rygorh finish up crafting magical items. Solve the mystery of the face thief.
July 9 - July 12
Cruise down the coast to Delta City on the River Meere.
July 13 - July 14
Spend some time in Delta City getting bearings; meet Lieutenant Bustard of the Caldrazan army who runs them out of town for "stirring up trouble."
July 15 - July 18
Track Princess Romilly and companions through the Forest of Meere. Find many strange creatures including a young green dragon trappedin a forcecage and a strange alien craft from the plane of Xorix . . .
July 19
Find Princess Romillly in the company of Jamie Macrieth of Ghael. Jamie returns to his lands to wage peace whie Princess Romilly sets out with the Starborn to return to Beacon City and set things to right there.
July 20
Accosted by a drow assassin. The assassin nearly kills Dinah in her initial assault. Magic and ranged fire bring the creature down.
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