Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chronicles of Rygorh: My Blunder

Neil with his spells and some of us questioning the harbor master and we are able to pinpoint the ship that the Drow leaders are on. A lengthy discussion ensues as to what our next move is the conversation goes back and forth for quite some time everyone certain they are right. Me I have two thoughts that I bring up first we need to research the host I feel that we have been shortsighted in the fact that we have been preoccupied with learning what our part is we haven't given any thought to our adversary. The other point that I want to make is we do not know what is on this ship and need to board it and eliminate any threat within the city. Alev does seem to agree with me (amazingly enough) that we cannot leave a possible threat behind the walls but his answer is to destroy the ship from outside and without knowing what is onboard to me seems out of the question. Casey seems interested in my thoughts on researching the enemy and wishes to let the Counsel take care of the ship. Knife, the stout hearted Halfling I am coming to respect greatly, doesn't get too involved in the discussion but does volunteer to go alone into the water and check out everything under the ship and scout as much as possible. In the end we decide that we will board it but tell the Counsel of our plan and ask for their assistance they agree and give us three squads of elite guard units to assist. We position the guards outside in key areas to capture anyone attempting to run away and they will also prevent any possible aid from coming to the Drow on the ship.

The day of the attack we prepare our spells for the day me and Neil consult briefly and compare what cleric spells we should prepare to heighten the group's effectiveness from the divine. Spells are cast and we march up to the dock and show the mercenary guards our writ to search the vessel. After a moments hesitation the guard who seems in charge says "ok" and then turns and heads to the gangplank the other guard looks as though he intends to stay on the dock. We start after the guard heading to the gangplank all of us looking at one another uncertain about this development we don't want them to have much warning. As the mercenary reaches the gangplank Alev begins casting the guard spins around surprised and with a mighty shove Tilk sends the guy flying off of the gangplank and out into the water where he quickly swims away. Me, Casey, Alev and Knife rush onto the ship to take out the captain who is on deck. I must admire the man surrounded by the four of us he backs up to a pole weapon raised and is brought down quickly by a series of blows and magic. We then rush to the only hatch leading down into the ship and stand around it. Tilk after pushing the one guy into the water ran to confront the other guard who remained on the dock but the guy ran off like a coward, hmmm but who wouldn't run if they saw Tilk's form running at them swinging that huge flaming sword he carries. We wait for Tilk and Rumus to join us at the hatch before opening it and as they arrive Casey does the honors.

Looking down into a small room there is a single Drow warrior full armor and looks ready for a fight. He drinks a potion then goes for the ladder we start pounding him with spells, arrows every flaming thing we could but in the end it was knife who dropped him by putting a well thrown dagger into the side of his throat, hmmm I have to remember I don't want to play darts with him. Knowing that the big fight is near Tilk goes down first then Neil starts down but pauses to cast a spell as his spell goes off two giant scorpions rush out the door Tilk is standing by and attempt to ambush him, like I said attempt, Tilk takes a swing at each of them as they come through the door then the rest of us pelt them with spells and they fall. The rest of us start down the ladder but as we do Tilk sees something inside the door casts a spell and to my disbelief throws his massive sword through the doorway I hear a the definite sound that his sword founds its mark and then it returns to Tilk's hand, damn that's one hell of a trick. Soon as I get down I look up through the door and see a Drow wizard with bloodstained robes standing there bleeding and he doesn't look very well. Everyone begins casting spells at him and remarkably enough we see that he is protected by some invisible globe as he starts casting and hits us all with an icy fireball. How dare those Drow bastards take a beautiful spell of fire and destruction and warp it into an ice spell what in the nine planes of hell is wrong with them! Then a Drow cleric steps into view and heals the wizard that does not deter Tilk he runs straight at the Cleric then as if changing his mind in mid stride he steps past the cleric and attacks the wizard again scoring a beautiful hit. Now knowing that spells are useless I draw my sword and move into the chamber, in my pride and thinking of nothing but the rival cleric of this unholy goddess I lunge at her trying to take her down in one blow. My swing being a bit off balance since I had just ran into the room glances off of her armor as the rest of the group comes in and the two Drow are soon surrounded. Just when victory is within our grasp knowing that the two of them cannot hope to repel all of us now that we surround them the badly injured wizard touches the cleric and they both vanish. Neil says they are up and points in some distant direction, sighing I decide they must be making a run for it.

Knife and Casey begin searching the room, Alev runs up to tell the guards we have with up what happened and to alert the Counsel. Tilk and Rumus are trying to help Casey with a chest that she found; I sheath my sword and just stand there going over the battle in my head. "We had 'em" I tell myself "they were right here surrounded, wizard near death . . . Damn he should have been dead! Why did I have to be so prideful and think I had to take out the cleric? One blow just one blow from my sword and the wizard would have been dead and we would be killing the cleric right now, when will I learn I am no longer alone in life, damn why was I so foolish." My musings are interrupted by a loud whooshing sound outside and screams . . .

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