Saragost: Order of the Prism
Matt has expressed an interest in joining the Order of the Prism. Here's some detail about it. Note that any arcane caster of non-chaotic alignment can join, although wizards make up the bulk of the membership.
Members of this arcane order use optics as a metaphor for magic, seeing the division of white light into colour as a parallel of the way arcane energies combine to make up reality. Hard study and disciplined meditation are insisted upon.
By agreement between Lady Arigane and Grandlord Yomah, members of the order assist the city watchmen with their magic and will often accompany guardsmen on their rounds. The guardsmen can always call for help to the Adepts if they encounter a strange or supernatural threat to the city.
Player Characters may apply to join the Order if they wish, which brings privileges and obligations. Members can use any of the Order’s facilities and may copy spells from the spellbooks in its keeping. A membership fee of 500 gold pieces per month is charged. Order members must also devote at least half an hour of each day to meditation on the symbolic prism that they are given. This adds half an hour to the time taken to prepare spells.
Joining the Order: The Order accepts only those who are not of chaotic alignment. To join, the applicant must pass a written examination in magical theory, which requires a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 20). Failure in this examination means that the candidate may not apply again for one month, except by permission of the Head of the Order.
Additional Benefits of Joining: Members of the Order of the Prism can pursue prestige classes that require membership in a special wizards' guild as follows: Archmage (DMG), Daggerspell Mage (CV), Fatespinner (CA), Green Star Adept (CA), Incantatrix (PGF), Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil (CA), Loremaster (DMG), Mage of the Arcane Order (CA), Rainbow Servant (CD). Note that these classes may be available via other means.
Guests of the Order: A non-chaotic wizard or sorcerer may request the hospitality of the Order, even if he is not a member. This entitles him to use the Order’s facilities for three days and nights. During this time, he must cause no disruption. Failure to keep to the rules of hospitality results in an instant expulsion with no possibility of further hospitality.
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