Sunday, April 23, 2006

Chronicles of Rygorh: Private Reflections

I spent the first part of our journey on a skiff with Alev and Aston. We had some very interesting conversation. Mostly point and counter-point exchanges concerning the various philosophies of Law vs. Chaos; yeah that is a real revelation there: the two of us discussing this topic. It was however a very illuminating conversation. It's amazing how much we are alike and kind of made from the same stuff except he continually clings to the Ideals of Order. It is a shame really; after getting to know the man I think he would be a very good servant to the Goddess if he could get over this love of order he has. He is a very strong willed person and a powerful ally in a fight always-good qualities within the order. Sigh, at one point while trying to illustrate the importance of Law he brought up an example that my wife could be raped then what . . . To this the vision of an attractive young redheaded acolyte of the flame found its way into my head. Shaking my head, I simply responded then that person would pay with his life, however, that's meaningless since I will never marry.

After our conversation ended, I sat quietly thinking of the world and how close we were to losing it all. This group gathered by some obscure Elven Goddess by the merits of us being born of the stars it really is an interesting and powerfully daunting place to be. Every one and every thing depends on us; we have got to find a way to win this. Hmmm, glancing back towards Alev, I wonder what they would say if they knew how I had spent my life raising armies of peasants to fight for their freedom. Sigh, would probably cause a bunch more issues. Shit I still have to deal with the one phase I mentioned to them at one time "Chaos and Havoc" . . . Then my thoughts turned towards the plight of the Swamp Elves; poor people ridden into the ground by years of slavery and now they stand defenseless against an overwhelming foe, poor people . . .

The High Priestess stood at the top of the dias looking down on the four figures prostrate on the floor before her, sacred flame dancing behind her. Glancing around the circular chamber at the assembled priests standing shoulder to shoulder against the walls chanting. "Who gives testament to the Goddess, in favor of these four souls?" She states loudly, a gruff voice exclaims "I Do Mistress of Flame" as the man who spoke raises his head and pulls back his cowl revealing the Half-Orc's features. "Very well, Rygorh, may it be on your soul should they fail to serve," responds the high priestess, "On my very soul" states Rygorh simply head bowed. Turning back to the four forms that lie as still as death itself and raising her staff, "who shall be a cleric of the goddess come forth kneel before me state your avatar and receive the mark of the Goddesses fire upon your flesh!" Elainia rises from the floor and kneels in front of the priestess and stares into the sacred flame solemnly, reaching back to expose her ankle states simply "The Phoenix." At this word, the staff in the hand of the High Priestess bursts into flames and sends a shard of pure fire streaking to the exposed flesh of the girls ankle. Then as suddenly as the staff burst into flame it goes out and grows cold again leaving the unmistakable tattoo of a phoenix on Elainia's ankle flesh around it still red from the heat. Elainia rises, tears still streaking her cheeks from the pain of the ordeal, "Elainia, Cleric of Firinna go join your brethren of the order."

The next two go forth and receive their prospective marks one upon his back and the other upon his shoulder, now it was the young Rygorh's turn. Standing he made his way up before the High Priestess then kneeling and looking up he drops the hood of his robe revealing his cleanly shaven head. While watching the dancing flame he says "The Red Dragon" however instead of the jolt of searing pain he expected, he hears the voice of the High Priestess, "Why such an evil creature?" Surprised by this the young man looks to the Priestess conducting the ceremony, an awkward silence falls on the chamber, then states proudly "Though evil the Red Dragon is a creature of Power and Grace, a symbol of fire, chaos and war, a creature that flies free, rules the skies and inspires fear." Standing unmoving for a moment the High Priestess nods and says "Very Well" Rygorh's head suddenly feels like its engulfed in fires, tears running down his face he can feel the flames run down the back of his skull and slide around his neck. What feels like hours lasts a mere moments then as quickly as it began it is ended, Rygorh stands ears still ringing from the pain and moves to take his place against the wall among his people as a Cleric of Firinna.

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