Saturday, September 03, 2005

Chronicles of Rygorh: A Village on the Edge

A brief discussion ensues as to whether we should take the trail or not. The Elf casts a spell to control Tilk – a waste of a spell. I think it was exceedingly arrogant of him to cast on any of our companions. There are better ways. By Firinna’s sword I had better not ever see him attempting that with me.

The group agrees to go down the trail which is where our impetuous friend wanted to go in the first place. Stupid wizards, none of ‘em realizes that magic is a gift from the Gods and is nothing to be tossed around so carelessly.

We travel down this trail a short distance and come upon the coast. After looking around we conclude that we are on a small island somewhere. There is very little conversation as we walk south along the coast . . . except for Neil who seems content to speak with himself. By sword and flame doesn’t he ever shut up?

Questions still whirling about in my head, it seems the only way to get the answers is to continue with these people and find this flaming sword. After a while we come to a land bridge that leads to a bigger Island. Casey suddenly realizes where we were – some place called Chillhame? Hmm, how does she know this if she was here under the same circumstances as the rest of us? We cross the bridge and find ourselves in a land with very sparse vegetation and sheep that look near starvation.

Soon we come to a village. Ramshackle buildings in various states of disrepair . . . obviously this is a very poor village, although I would bet my blade that some noble still manages to squeeze money from these poor folk and gives them no service in return.

As we enter the village, which looks even worse up close, the only person we see is an old lady sitting in front of her house smoking a pipe with a basket on her lap. As we approach she sets aside her basket and eyes us suspiciously. Who could blame her? Hell and fire she may think we are lackeys of the local lord. When we reach her Casey and Rumus begin to ask her some questions when suddenly out of the blue Tilk says "Gimme that" and grabs the woman’s pipe – an act that caught even me off guard. By Firinna’s Sword why the hell did he do that; we won’t get any answer from her now.

I take Tilk aside and tell him that was enough and in a community like this actions like that will get us nowhere! He seems compliant and sheepishly gives the woman’s pipe to Casey to return to the woman. Well, what’s done is done. Let’s find answers elsewhere.

So we head to the local inn and find most of the population of the village. We go straight up to the innkeeper to find out what he knows of this Starkweather John. He gives us some sketchy information, but does tell us where his grave is. I decide he knew a lot more. Hellfire he is an innkeeper . . . he hears all the information. I will be back.

We hustle out to the grave hoping to find some answers there. We get to the top of the hill and see a very desolate grave; most of the writing has been worn and we can’t read it, but we can see Starkweather John’s name clearly. Tilk moves the stones while Casey and The Knife wander off looking around elsewhere. Rumus, Neil and I peer into the grave and find nothing but bones all jumbled around. Tilk puts the stone back and Casey calls us over to what she has found. It appears to be the remains of a battle of some sort. She finds some tracks she says go back into the woods others off to the northeast. We consult for a moment and decide that we needed to go back to the village, split up and see what we can fine out. Now I will get a chance to speak with that innkeeper in depth.

Upon returning to the Village we split up; Neil actually had the best idea I heard all day. He stays over near the well with Tilk and smokes, keeping Tilk out of trouble. The best part of that plan is I don’t have to hear him mumbling to himself.

I head straight for the inn and find the keeper behind the bar. I walk up, order a beer, far from the best I had ever had . . . hey, I remembered that . . . hmm, my memories are starting to return, however slowly. The innkeeper seems to know nothing of the battle at the cemetery. He tells me that Starkweather John was some great hero who defeated an evil wizard but died from his wounds soon after. The final battle several hundred years ago took place where we all appeared . . . he calls it the Tump. He tells me how the mine was the only source of income and that the tracks we saw head that way. He heard no battle. When I ask him about this blasted sword HE LIES TO ME! Lies, I should call down the wrath of Firinna and bake him in her divine fire for this! However my companions will probably have issues with this so I will refrain. I cannot believe this man lied to my face, what a world!

Our entire group meets at a table to compare notes. We notice that many of the stories differ in some way. It seems that these people believe that removing this Sword will in effect cause a cataclysm here; somehow as the sword protects them. Hmm, maybe we should remove it just so these people will find a new place to live and they can live a better life. The most unbelievable thing though is my companions seemed completely unconcerned that the innkeeper lied to me! Tilk did relay some odd feeling he had in a ruined temple. It wasn’t his god’s temple; I find this very odd.

We decide to (actually the elf decided for us) go and speak to the priest of the temple. That’s when Jim and his buddies stroll in like they owned the joint. The first people I see with any money whatsoever. Hmm, maybe he’s the scumbag noble. I attempt to excuse myself to go speak with him when the Elf puts his hand on my shoulder asking me not to. About this time Jim says something about our small companions, and Tilk stands up for their honor! Barbarians – a good breed, most people living in their cities surrounded by their armies to oppress others but not the tribal folk. Honor and respect mean something to them. Hmm my first instinct was to let Tilk rip this bastard’s head off of his shoulders, but instead I step in and ask Tilk to have a seat. Looking at Jim I offer to buy him a beer to keep the peace; his day is coming. He gets his beer and before I had a chance to say anything to him he turns his back to me. I start to reach for him when I see one of his companions sitting there staring at me and fingering the hilt of his dagger. I meet his gaze and hold his eyes thinking "I could destroy him with Firinna’s fires before he could draw that dagger." Then he breaks eye contact and turns back to the bar; weakling; good damn thing he didn’t try and maintain against me!

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