Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Rygorh: A Stirring Speech

Once those who accept Rygorh's invitation come to his cabin he says the following:

"Thank you for coming, my friends. I would ask you to allow me to finish what I have to say before anyone speaks."

Pausing for a moment to make eye contact with each and everyone, not in challenge but as if searching for something . . . then lighting a cigar and staring at the hot ember he continues.

"We have witnessed what none should ever have to bear; I believe we have all been affected in some way by the events that have occurred. I see in my mind's eye day and night many faces at the Inn, in the streets, on the wall," as his voice seems to crack he turns and takes a couple paces towards the wall. "I dream of waking up and being cursed at by the barkeep, however I know that will not happen again. In my life I have never wanted something so much as a victory at Saragost; in all of the conflicts before never have I . . . hmm, cared as much as I did there. I have wondered where we went wrong, what could we have done differently? I have come to one conclusion, playing the battle repeatedly in my head: nothing; we did all that we could do. We could not have changed the outcome of that battle . . . not yet. We did more than any of us are willing to give ourselves credit for, I think. We gave Saragost a fighting chance. In four weeks' time we raised the alarm, uncovered plots within the city, and we gave them a fighting chance. Without that, the Darkness would have walked across that island unhindered and destroyed every thing from Bronce to Saragost. Four weeks ago we didn't know each other, we didn't know of Chillhame or of Saragost, nor did we know of the Cthonic Alliance as they call themselves. The enemy was prepared; probably have been preparing for years, maybe even for the last 1000 years. You heard that bitch, calling them the ones of Prophecy."

Pausing again for a moment:

"We must now move forward. I do not want to sound cold; we must put away what has happened and look forward. I do not say not to mourn nor do I say to forget because that we should not do . . . cannot do. I do say however do not lose hope, do not lose faith. Remember those faces, remember those people, be proud of them for their sacrifice; they choose as free men not to be enslaved and to fight!"

Then turning and looking everyone over with a hard expression on his face:

"The day will come when those responsible will have to pay! They call themselves the Cthonic Alliance, I call them responsible, and when the time comes, we will collect their debt . . . in blood."

Hands curling into fists, knuckles white, a single tear falling from the corner of his eye:

"Remember Saragost and the faces of the people who gave up so much when we meet this . . . Terror," spitting the word, "and we make her pay."

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Blogger Raj said...

We should form a secret society, a brotherhood if you will. That way we can pass down the knowledge of the Starborn in the centuries to come so when the next equinox comes, like Neil said, they can be ready. We could start now, finding people we trust to fill the ranks of the brotherhood. We can call it "The Brotherhood of the Eclipsed Star" and the six(?) of us could be the founders and the leaders. Between now and the end of the war, we could probably recruit a good number of people into the brotherhood. What do you think?

9:55 AM  

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