Chronicles of Rygorh: Starborn/Heroes or Deceivers
Well, we obviously did not make it to the temple as unnoticed as I would have liked. After meeting with a band of Drow and on very nasty dark dwarf seems that our argument as to where to go next was settled for us since Casey fell in battle. Using our new orb, which indicated that there was a node within Crescent City so off we went without hesitation or argument which was nice for a change. We soon found that the swamp elf village we had stopped in previously was completely wiped out by those head stealing little bastards from the plantation. Eventually we found another Swamp Elf village and stopped to rest for a short time, taking this time to rouse the village and standing in the center of town I gave a short speech to these people. I expressed the need for them to take up arms and defend there homes and families against this Drow threat. It felt so good and so much like my old self to be standing within a village of oppressed and again rousting them to battle unfortunately as much as I would love to march them against Crescent City for freedoms sake I know now is not the time for that. Several of the Swamp Elves were so moved by my speech that they chose to come with us and to follow me and walk the way of freedom.
With the help of our new Swamp Elf allies, we returned to Crescent City uneventfully and soon found that the Node, which we needed to return life to Casey, was within the top chamber of the City Hall. I decided long ago that it was time for me to try to work with the nobles that I had for so long given no respect to. We entered the building and I requested an audience with the Governor, which was eventually granted after a short debate with his lackey at the entrance. I spoke with this person and extended him courtesy that I never thought I would offer to one of his ilk but Casey's life was more important than my personal feelings. He was quite skeptical of course about the place that could return life to a corpse however; he did allow us a visit to the place. He was very inquisitive as to whom we were and I choose not to mention anything about the Starborn but told him about the battle for Saragost and the coming invasion. With Casey back among the living we returned to his office and I was in the process of explaining to him that the Counsel in Saragost considered us as trusted allies and also attempted to tell him about the treason of the Count. I went into some detail over the battle and the part that we played, I wanted him to understand the danger his city faced so he could prepare for war.
I felt the meeting was going fine well up until Kettle decided that he wanted to interrupt me and begin spinning tales and telling lies to this man. I couldn't believe it I just stood there stunned as he embellished his lies, are we the good guys or not was my only thought. We soon left and that's when Kettle turned on me and began accusing me of telling the guy too much and telling me that I should have lied. How dare him! The worse part is the rest of the group seemed to agree with him, how dare any of them to expect me to sacrifice my principles and values and lie to anyone. Kettle tried to tell me that lying was important and useful, where does he get that Idea? I told him simply I will not lie just as I wouldn't animate a corpse and create undead. He told me this was different and failed to grasp the fact that it is not different are we to become like our adversaries and sacrifice what we believe in? Then where does it stop? NO, I will not sacrifice my word or my honor and become as a lying and deceitful noble and none of these people have the right to expect me to do so. I thought for a moment the Paladin may support me in this discussion however she just stood there without saying a word. Hmm, figures once again I stand alone with my beliefs and principles getting glares from the entire party.
After arriving at our ship Seebo, Tilk and Aston were requested at the City Hall and after waiting about an hour we went to the City Hall to see what was going on. The Governor told us that he never saw our friends however Neil's spell indicated that they were below the building. Hmmm, now the Gov was lying to us, gee isn't that surprising. Then I realized that the entire group was suddenly blaming me for the abduction of our friends, at one point Casey even looked at me and told me to shut up she didn't want to hear from me. What the hell is wrong with them they are mad at me and blaming me for this, gee maybe the reason this happened was because the Governor knew that he was lied to by Kettle and thought we were hiding something. No, everyone seems to want to blame Rygorh, even Casey when it was for her life that I even lowered myself to give courtesy to a flaming Noble damn her! Damn them all! I am tired of being blamed, I feel I have done my part in trying to suppress my anger and feelings about Nobles and Law so we can work together however that has not been the case. Every time something seems to go wrong I am the scapegoat and I am sick of it, by the nine hells I still have one comment "Chaos and Havoc" thrown into my face whenever someone gets an opportunity. Well no more, I will stay out of discussions and keep my opinions to myself from here on out. If someone dies or something goes wrong then they can find someone else to blame from here on out. I will not be part of their lies, I will not support 'em nor will I have anything to do with the stories and lies they wish to spin. As I had decided, long ago friends are not worth the aggravation or the trouble.
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