Casey: I'll Keep Quiet
I haven't said anything on this topic before because I wasn't all that concerned with it. Seebo and Kettle are insistent that we need a leader. Alev, Neil, Dinah and I pretty much will go with that, I think. Rygorh is insistent that we don't need one. OK, for the sake of that argument; diplomacy rules and we have a leader who votes with the majority. Once the leader decides on a side then we go with that. This all makes perfect sense to me. It's someone who sat back and listened to all sides and then decided with the majority. I am perfectly okay with this.
The bank is another argument they had me so confused on. I don't participate in these conversations often because I'm not really paid much mind. I think they were saying to store items there to get access to a magically sealed vault!!!!! The only vault we'd have access to is ours. If we want to store stuff I think we should store it at the Church of Marius. That Father Vigilance, I believe his name is, seemed downright friendly and like he wanted to help for the good of mankind. Now Seebo brings up this Severil Blackthorn and I could've sworn that the stupid evil elf said that the vault was stored under Lutz's name which there doesn't seem to be any record. Stupid evil elf; why was there an evil elf on the good side?
I can only see that we should help the plantation and then since Seebos' item is a tad more accessible that we should check out the maze. Granted I can't see past my nose on this whole ordeal because we've managed to hit walls at every turn and I'm still frustrated, but you'd think it'd seem to them that going towards what's accessible would be better for the nonce.
Growing up in a group of arguers hasn't made the past weeks very easy on me. When I left home I wasn't expecting to have to stay off in my corner again. I didn't think that I'd leave home and find that I have to live with more argumentativeness. It gets so old. I was hoping that other families weren't like mine, but apparently they were. It was never fun to me. I guess I'm just different. I think I'll just talk to Alev and then he can verbalize my thoughts if it's necessary. No sense making it more complicated than it is already.
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