Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Chapter Three: Saragost (Interlude II)

While Rumus was rummaging around in the Sanctuary of the Seven Archways seeking information about the Starborn, there were several other peopel there as well. One in particular, a scruffy looking human in dark brown robes, seemed to be paying extra special attention to Rumus. In fact, Rumus noticed that whenever he finished with a particular book or scroll this guy seemed to be right behind him, picking the item out of the library stacks and looking over it himself. He was very careful about his actions, and Rumus did not realize what was going on until after he got back to the inn . . . he was concentrating on his studies and not really paying attention to what was going on around him. Back at the inn he had time to reflect and realized that this guy was following him around and reading the same stuff Rumus read.

The next morning (March 18) the innkeeper presents Rumus with a package . . . it is a bottle of very fine, aged, elven red wine. It has a note card (like a gift label) attached to it that is pitch black. In nearly unreadable purple script on the label is the single word: Rumus.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Casey: Back with the Boys

I felt a little more comfortable being back with the boys. The trip Alev and I took telling unwary folk about an incoming dark army was exhausting. It's much easier having other people to set watch at night. Too bad we were "ordered" back to Saragost. The whole point in breaking out of home was to not be told I had to do something. Being asked is one thing. Even being of nobility doesn't mean you have to act like you are. I just have to pretend to myself that I'm being noble and helpful and not being told what to do.

To come back to the rest of the group and find Rygorh a little changed (angrier) was flooring. That whole story about being brought back to the "stars" came to life, so to speak. I suppose I could tell Alev or the Knife about my tattoo. I don't particulary want everyone to know personal things about me even if I'm beginning to accept the fact that fate has led me here. I suppose if I just accept it outright then perhaps after it's all said and done Dad will just accept the fact that I can be the boss.

I think I need to sit down and reposition my bow and check to see that my arrows were made correctly. I missed some critical shots during the ambush. At least I'm not as big a target as Rygorh, though. Poor guy. He must have a sign on him somewhere that reads, "I'm a cleric. Kill me first."

I'm not overly concerned about this Council. I do wonder what we could learn about the personal life of that evil Thaddeus. Not so much that he worships the evil goddess, but whether or not he has much influence in the Council. If Neil didn't pick up that the rest were evil, and they are all relatively powerful in some way, perhaps they'll just take care of Thaddeus for us. I don't think it's our job to deal with him right now anyway. I still think it would be beneficial to head out of here. No since being target practice more than we have to right now.

I'm anxious to get out of this city for sure. It makes me nervous being here waiting for the next ambush. But I will miss the really neat mermaid show. It felt great being dressed up again, too.

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Character Spotlight Archive

Chapter Three: Saragost (Interlude I)

Quick timeline recap:

  • March 16, afternoon: arrive at Saragost; ambushed by Captain Severin; meet Council; receive reward.
  • March 16, evening: get rooms at Inn of the Flaming Beard; attend the mermaid show at the Grand Baronial Hotel.
  • March 17, morning: attend Council meeting; receive civic honor: Freeman of Saragost; learn of Captain Severin's trial/punishment; Lady Arigaine reiterates Council request for heroes to warn lost villages.
  • March 17, late morning through late afternoon: spend the day "shopping" for gear and magical equipment; Rumus studies at the library in the Sanctuary of the Seven Archways; Casey and Rygorh spend some time at the Grove of Hernun.
  • March 17, evening: rest at the Inn of the Flaming Beard.
  • March 18, morning: Rumus receives a bottle of fine Elven wine with a black address label on it.

While resting overnight between March 17 and March 18 those of you who are sleeping (or meditating) around midnight have some very disturbing dreams. You see a vision of the night sky. Suddenly the stars are cloaked in darkness. The shadowy form of a massive spider appears to consume the night sky. As the massive shadow moves closer towards you the scene suddenly changes . . . You see a great, shining light drawing you in. You feel the pleasant comfort of being a child again. It reminds you strongly of your time at the Tump . . . the light vanishes and you are plunged into darkness. Where the light was a deeper, inky blackness now radiates towards you. You know that if that deeper darkness touches you then you will die. You wake with a start in a cold sweat. You are nauseated for a few moments and then you feel a deep sense of loss.

Anyone that was awake (on guard?) at midnight did not have a dream or vision, but you did feel the nausea and deep sense of loss.

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Character Spotlight: Cornelius "Neil" Stringfellow (Jeff)


  1. Where was your character born? Neil comes from Verda.
  2. Who raised him? Neil's Parents, Harmon & Teal Stringfellow, raised him.
  3. What was happening in the region when your character was growing up? The family business has been the same, generation after generation: most of the family works the pipeweed fields; a few hand craft pipes.
  4. Does your character have any relatives? Neil has three siblings; an older sister, Katrina, an older brother, Sybron, and a younger sister, Toah. Grandma Stringfellow also lives in the family home.


  1. What are your character’s immediate goals? Neil wants to meet new people, travel to new places and see new things.
  2. What would he like to do in the coming year? Neil wants to travel to every shrine of Old Heakun in the country seeking evidence of his god's passing.
  3. What are his long-term goals? Neil wants to trace Old Heakun's path throughout the world and to visit all known magical locations.
  4. What type of person would be his ideal mate? Neil seeks a halfling lass interested in magic and eager to visit new places.
  5. Who is his patron deity? Is he a devout worshiper? Neil worships Old Heakun. He speaks to him regularly as he would a friend.
  6. Is he a devout member of any nonreligious cause? Neil is not a member of anything, but very curious about all forms of magic.
  7. Is there any race, creed, alignment, etc. against which he is strongly prejudiced? He hates tyrants, oppressive governments and unjust laws. Forcing others to live by rules they don't agree with is wrong.
  8. What is his greatest fear? Neil most fears imprisonment and lack of freedom.
  9. What is the one task he absolutely refuses to do? Neil would never imprison or enslave another being. He believes people should be punished and released.


  1. What is your character's motto or favorite saying? Don't let life happen while you were making other plans; take action.
  2. What is his favorite color? Neil prefers dark forest green.
  3. Describe what he would wear if money were no object: Neil would wear a dark green vest and black pants.
  4. What is his farovrite food and drink? Neil likes roasted lamb in any bold flavored sauce and fresh lemonade.
  5. What is his favorite animal? Racoons remind Neil of his childhood.
  6. What habits of his friends annoy him the most? Neil abhors excessive primping; time could be spent on numerous more important ventures.


Courtesy: 6 Valor: 5 Self-sacrifice: 6 Generosity: 6
Sobriety: 5 Calm Temper: 7 Optimism: 7 Curiosity: 8
Forgiveness: 6 Cheerfulness: 7 Patience: 4 Honesty: 6
Helpfulness: 7 Loyalty: 8    


  1. What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely resembles your character? Merry Brandybuck
  2. What would be his job in modern society? Tourist, traveling medicine man

Character history.

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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Rumus: Into the City

We have arrived in Saragost where unfortunately we were ambushed by a supposed captain of the watch. The battle was intense as Rygorh again fell in battle. Maybe someone should tell him that martial combat might not be best for him. We dispatch our foes and set out to meet this so called council and reveal to them what we have found: one of their captians ambushed us and they were carrying symbols of She. This is very disturbing to me as She is an evil diety, and only those of unpure heart follow her. So the council sees us and tells us what a great service we have done for the people of Chillhame, and they want to honor us. Whooptydo! I don't have much use for human honorifics, but if it makes my companions happy so be it. The female council member, Lady Arigaine Zakawe, asks to see the symbols of She as there are two different ones; one with a hand and one with a dagger. I personally believe that these are symbols of two factions of She followers, but she asks to keep them and at the time we see no problem with it. Later we learn of some rumors that some or all of the council is evil and worship She. We find out the next day that the only one that we can be sure is evil is the Count Thaddeus Crastic. I have serious problems with their so-called mission to the other towns. They have not heard from these towns for weeks and they send us now to go to them. Why have they not already sent members of their watch to these towns? Why us? Why now? These are questions that are bothering me. And I will find out these answers!

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Chapter Three: Saragost (locations)

There are many interesting locations throughout the city of Saragost.

You can hear the cry of gulls and see tall walls of ancient stone in the distance. Above the battlements rise towers, steeples and high sloped roofs. This must be your destination, the sea-port of Saragost, capital of the island of Chillhame. As you draw nearer, you see a mass of tents and wagons clustered around the closest gate, like flotsam washed up by the tide. There must be hundreds of people camped out here, unable to get into the city. There can only be one explanation for this – these people have heard the tales of a coming army. They are trying to reach the safety of Saragost but the city has closed its doors to them.

The city before you is breathtaking. Outside the walls were only flat, featureless plains. Inside, there is a crazy labyrinth of streets, with houses, shops and taverns jostling for space. A constant din of activity surrounds you. The smells are rich and strong – spicy food cooked out on the streets in cauldrons, the dung of horses, perfumes that recall the lands of the elves and a fresh sea breeze blowing in from the west.

Towering above all the other buildings is a single spire, on whose top is a transparent globe. Within this, a brilliant fire of red and gold burns, undoubtedly the product of some kind of magic.

  • The Tower of Undying Light: This narrow, windowless tower dominates the skyline, rising like a slim white finger above the city. It looks like it is about 150 feet high. It is topped with a transparent sphere inside which a flaming shape flails its wings.
  • The Inn of the Flaming Beard: This massive public house is the largest Inn in the city of Saragost. It covers an entire city block. There is a "smart" end and and "scruffy" end of the place. Only people in noble's outfits are allowed into the "smart" end. Everyone else is relegated to the "scruffy" end of the building. The place is named for the ghost of a pirate with a flaming beard that haunts the streets of Saragost. The innkeepers in the "scruffy" end of the place have a habit of insulting the patrons.
  • The Grand Baronial Hotel: This place is the finest public house in Saragost. It boasts fine dining, plush rooms and a fantastic dancing and singing mermaid show twice nightly. Rumor has it that members of the Midnight Enclave have a secret meeting place hidden in the hotel.
  • The Sanctuary of the Seven Archways: The local wizards' guild holds forth in this dazzling white marble building near the Tower of Undying Light. Lady Arigane Zakawe leads the guild, known as the Order of the Prism. The Sanctuary houses one of the greatest libraries in the known world.
  • The Grove of Hernun: The druids of the area have founded a jungle-like grove in the center of Saragost. Their domain is a one square mile nature preserve in which the law of Saragost holds no power as the druids and priests of Hernun are the only power. The Grove is used a s a neutral meeting site for opposing parties as the druids demand that no violence desecrate their grove, and their justice is swift and legendary.
  • The Hall of Echoes: The local bardic college holds forth here. Michael Dunsany leads the bards of Saragost and has his quarters here. The library in the Hall of Echoes is renowned as a fine place for historic information.
  • The Warf Gaol: The Wharf Gaol is a stinking, rat-infested prison that takes up part of the docks of Saragost. Condemned criminals are chained in the harbor at low tide. High tide serves as their sentence. Directly beneath the windows of the prison are manacles, which hold the rotting bodies of prisoners executed by drowning, or living people sentenced to die that day.

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Chapter Three: Saragost (R&R)

After meeting with the Council the party goes to the Inn of the Flaming Beard where they accept abuse from the innkeeper, get some drinks and rooms and Rygorh beds a whore. While there they manage to winkle out a fair amount of information about Saragost from fellows in the inn.

The heroes procure appropriate garb and make their way to the Grand Baronial Hotel where they enjoy the exotic dancing and ethereal singing of the twin sister mermaids. The show is quite impressive and afterwards many patrons, including Rumus, honor the entertainers with gifts of gold and jewels.

The next day the group arrives on time to the ceremony at the Council chamber where each is awarded the honor of Freeman of Saragost. Neil cast detect evil before entering the chamber and discovers that Count Thaddeus Crastic is the only evil person on the Council. He also sees a smattering of evil auras among the spectators, and one town guard is also evil.

After the ceremony the heroes stick around to hear pronouncements from the Council. Captain Hugh Severin, formerly an officer in the City Watch has been found guilty of attempted murder of the heroes along with his accomplice, a known footpad by the name of Jerick Martin. Both have been sentenced to death and are currently manacled to the warf awaiting high tide. Furthermore, the Council imposes martial law on the city. Weapons, armor and food will be seized by the Council for rationing in preparation for the war with the Duergar. Sir Jeren Falconio, the military leader of Saragost, is appointed supreme military overlord and all military decisions will rest with him.

The Council strongly desires that the party set out to the lost villages as soon as possible. Naturally, the heroes choose to ignore the request and instead spend the day buying gear and snooping about town. Rumus finds a great deal of information in the Santuary of the Seven Archways about the Starborn. Casey and Rygorh check out the druidic preserve, the Grove of Hernun. Others buy gear, commission magical items and generally make preparations for future adventuring.

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Chapter Three: Saragost (arrival/ambush)

After Seebo had been in the city for a few days the Council of Saragost summoned him to their meeting hall and ordered (requested strongly?) him to go find his fellow heroes and present them to the Council at the first opportunity.

Seebo set out north towards the Tump immediately. Conveniently, he arrived in Hockton Barrow on the same afternoon that his companions arrived. Even more fortuitous was the arrival of Casey and Alev who had been out among the minor hamlets and villages spreading the word of the coming Duergar army.

The heroes spent some time catching everyone up on one another's doings. The party determined to destroy the ogre and goblin band that had killed Rygorh. The Knife and Casey scouted the enemy camp some two or three miles from the main road and discovered only three goblins there. Apparently the rest of the group was out raiding. Neil used a locate object spell to find a large-sized greatclub in the area and confirmed that the ogre's weapon was not about.

The heroes then set an ambush for the raiding party near the road. A sound burst spell did for most of the goblins, several ranged attacks and a strike from Tilk's deadfall trap killed the ogre and the Knife helped finish off some of the remaining goblins. The group returned to the encampment and quickly dispatched the three goblins there. The heroes gathered gold and left the pitiful goblin and ogre gear behind.

The party then traveled on to Saragost. Outside the walls of the great city the heroes found hundreds of refugees waiting to enter. The Knife explained that the entry requirements: a useful craft, martial skill or fifty gold coins to spend. Rygorh became quite distraught, grumbling about nobles mistreating the people.

As the heroes approached the city a mounted soldier, Captain Hugh Severin of the Saragost City Watch, found them and led them into the city via a side gate. He explained that the Council was most anxious to meet them. Somewhat suspicious the party followed him . . . into an ambush in a cramped alleyway.

The Knife noticed a couple of guys with crossbows drawing down on the party and called out a warning. He prepared himself for defense while Hugh Severin "ran for help." As it turned out there were five skulking cut throats in the alley and Hugh Severin helped the bandits. Rygorh fell to a poisoned crossbow bolt, but most everyone else escaped mostly umharmed. Tilk took a charge from Hugh, but he returned the favor and then some. Within moments the assassins were dead, dying or fleeing. The group gathered up the corpses and tended to the wounds of Hugh Severin to keep him alive for questioning. They also looted their fallen enemies and found very nice weapons and strange haematite discs on each of them. These discs have a spider symbol on one side and either a dagger or a hand on the reverse. They later discovered that the discs were marked with an Arcane Mark which cannot be forged.

Moving on to the Council chambers in the Tower of Undying Light, the heroes were admitted to a private meeting with the Council. They told their story about the ambush. The Council assured them there would be a trial and the miscreants would be executed if they were found guilty. The heroes were to make themselves available for the trial. Furthermore the Council awarded each of them 1,000 gold pieces and announced that they would each receive an honor badge, Freeman of Saragost, in a ceremony on the morrow. In the meantime they should make themselves comfortable in the city and prepare for more adventure as the Council needs their help . . . there are three largish towns that have been eerily silent of late. The Council would like for the party to check out the situation in each of these towns and returns with news and armed soldiers if possible.

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Chapter Three: Saragost (rumors)

During the days spent in Saragost the party learned the following information:

  • Stone golems are used to open and close the sea-gates.
  • There are three power bases in town – the Council, the group of mages called the Order of the Prism and a group of crime lords.
  • Sometimes, an up-and-coming criminal will be fished out of the harbour, dead from a massive wound to the backside, as if someone had impaled him on a sword blade.
  • Some people on the council have been seen talking to mysterious strangers in hoods and cloaks.
  • The law is strict. Condemned criminals are executed by being manacled to the wharf wall at low tide; the incoming tide drowns them.
  • There is a powerful magical item in the Tower of Undying Light.
  • The object in the Tower of Undying Light controls the weather.
  • The Grand Baronial Hotel has a dancing mermaid act.
  • A ghost pirate called Captain Whisper haunts the streets of Saragost.
  • The crime lords are called the Midnight Enclave.
  • There is a new faction in town that has infiltrated the Midnight Enclave and the city council. Its members use poisoned weapons and only go out after dark. They use magic to disguise themselves. Several people on the city watch are secretly in their service. Anyone in service to this faction has to carry a secret token that cannot be forged, as proof of his identity.
  • Grandlord Yomah, the ruler of the city, is a drow in disguise. He worships the spider goddess in a private chamber in the Tower of Undying Light.
  • This city used to be an elven stronghold but was burned down centuries ago, so practically none of the original buildings are still standing; the elven sewer system is still intact, however and many houses have elf-built cellars, though the occupants do not know it.
  • There is believed to be some kind of corruption in the Council but nobody knows quite what is going on.
  • Several major burglaries have taken place recently, in which guards have fallen unconscious after being wounded by poisoned weapons.

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The Legend of the Starborn

The stars in heaven are not mere balls of fire but souls – souls that are greater and brighter than we can ever hope to understand. They are not Gods, for Gods dwell on other planes. However, they are like Gods in that they have an interest in human affairs on earth. The opposing power to the stars is the darkness that lies between them, occupying the cold and desolate places. The stars are not evil nor good; they merely exist. The darkness, by contrast, is that kind of evil which cannot abide that which is different from itself. It seeks to absorb, to control, to assimilate. All mortal life, good and evil alike, is endangered.

Once in every age, there comes an Equinox of the Heroes. At this time, the power of the darkness and the power of the stars leave their equilibrium. What was certain becomes confused. What was concealed becomes manifest. Stasis gives way to conflict. According to ancient principles laid down before the universe awoke, a portion of each cosmic force is invested into mortal agents. The stars, each with its own unique essence, incarnate themselves into the bodies of mortal heroes. Similarly, the power of the darkness, universal and undifferentiated, reaches out and infuses itself into those who will become its pawns.

Those mortals who are born with the souls of stars are called the Starborn. Their adversaries, born of the principle of darkness, are called the Host.

The victory of either side determines which power will be dominant over the world until the next Equinox. Victory by the Starborn heralds an age in which mortals make their own destiny, choosing wisely or foolishly, each for himself. Victory by the Host destroys any hope of individuality. Conformity, uniformity, darkness and silence characterise the time.

It is known that the elven race has an especial interest in the Equinox of the Heroes, though nobody is quite certain why. There is an episode in their history that the younger elves do not remember and the older ones do not speak of. What is known is that those elves who aided the Starborn in past aeons created artefacts that would maintain the connection between the stars and the earth. These varied in form but the most common were circles of stone, which acted as observatories and calendars as well as spiritual sanctuaries. At these places, the power of the stars was focused and strengthened. They would become rallying points for the Starborn at each Equinox of the Heroes. If one of the Starborn was slain, the star-soul could be reunited with the body by taking it to one of these places.

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Friday, November 11, 2005

PC Fiction: Chapter Two

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Seebo the Knife: The Road to Hell

Why can't people understand that I have an important job to do? Don't they realize that they're not the only ones in the world who have problems? We were running out of time, the army had already massed near Bronce and if not already, were preparing to march.

What? Oh, no, the kids were fine. We found and rescued them and returned them safely to their mother. Luckily, we ran into a little bit of help, 3 strangers who appeared out of nowhere. It turned out they were on the same great holy mission we were. I say the more the merrier.

We got everyone moving out of Bronce and headed to the next town of Lichgate. They were pretty responsive and started evacuating south to Saragost. Our first hurdle came in the next town, Lower Scumsgrove. Don't be fooled by the name, its not a nice city.

Celegorm, one of the strangers, took the lead on this one and I guess he talked about the wrong thing to the right person or the right thing to the wrong person or something. Anyway, there was a big problem with the city guard and the merchants of the town or something. When all was said and done, we had the whole of the city guard bearing down on our inn looking for Celegorm. Wait, let me rephrase that: he had the whole of the city guard bearing down on the inn looking for him. I was safely on the roof and on my way to the safety of the shadows. Some people don't know when they're beat.

Long story short though, they warned the right people and got the ball rolling. We left Scumsgrove and didn't look back. We hit the next town, Churney-on-the-Green late that night. Damn me if there wasn't an inn. We ended up sleeping on some poor villager's floor. He was a nice enough fellow, even fed us.

We warned those elders and were ready to head out. That's when the real trouble began.

Now I'm a good person, I like to think I can make a difference, at least in one person's eyes. We were moving pretty fast towards Saragost. We were so close, just a few hours from the final warning. Of course there was a wagon of villagers being attacked by an Ogre and his goblin cronies.

Being the great heroes of legend, we didn't think twice about charging in to save the travellers. What we didn't think about were the odds. See half our travelling party had ventured on their own to take care of some other task, I don't know, I wasn't listening. Ten goblins and an Ogre against five of us, not good odds. To top it off, we charge in to save the villagers when the Ogre and his cronies kill them before we even get to the battle. So now we're charging in without a plan to save people who have already died. Suffice it to say I'm surprised any one of us made it out alive. My only saving grace was they left me for dead after I fell unconscious. Rygorh wasn't so lucky I'm afraid. I always thought the Heroes didn't die until the final battle with the great mysterious evil.

Then Neil pointed out what the weird lady said about the Tump. She said that if one of us falls we could be brought back or something whatever that means. The plan was for everyone to head back north to see if they could help Rygorh while I headed for Saragost to make sure they got warned. Rumus didn't like the idea but I think he underestimates me.

First thing was first though, I wasn't going anywhere without my stuff. Those bastards stole all my money and knives. How can I be "The Knife" if I don't have any knives? It's a good thing Casey had started showing me how to track before she left. I picked up their trail and found their camp. Not chancing another bad encounter, I just snuck in and hijacked all of our stuff back.

With all of our gear back we headed to Churney-on-the-Green for a quick night's rest before heading our separate ways. Not wanting to waste time, I waited until everyone was asleep and made for Saragost right away.

The trip was uneventful, a few hours on the road, a few patrols that I just outran. I came up on Saragost and damn was it a nice city. Fully walled at about 20 ft high extending all the way out into the bay. For the first time I had some hope that maybe this army could in fact be defeated or at least held back. There was a large tower on the east side that had a flaming sphere atop it that I guess served as some sort of a beacon. Regardless I was here to do a job.

There were hundreds, maybe thousands of people camped outside the walls and they were only letting certain people in and only one at a time. Being that my business was urgent I pushed ahead to the front of the line and flashed my bag of change expecting that's all the guard wanted. Turns out this one had a moral compass and wouldn't let me in. I didn't have time to deal with this bs.

I tied my horse off and found a dark corner out of sight. Sometimes being small can be a serious advantage. I did myself up like a kid and made for the gate. I waited for the right moment then snuck past the guards and into town. Not wanting to attract attention, I took off the disguise and just walked openly on the streets. Did I mention it was the middle of the night? Yeah, its hard to not attract attention when you're walking around a big city in the middle of the night. Thankfully I wasn't trying to avoid the law this time. The guards that stopped me were kind enough to point me to an inn, The Inn of the Flaming Beard. They pointed me to the rough entrance, I guess they didn't think I could handle the other one, whatever it was. So I walk in and ask for a room but the bartender wants to give me a small one just cause I'm a little bit shorter than normal. So I tell him I like livin' large and to give me a normal room now. He knew who he was talking to, he understood. I got my room and caught a few hours of sleep before morning.

First thing I found the main hall where the governing body was and went to talk to them. Too bad they wouldn't talk to me. That's alright though, they talked to my money. There was a last minute cancellation this afternoon so I got an appointment.

Well I did my thing and I warned them and all was well. All I have to do now is wait for everyone else to get here and then wait for the army to get here. They said my life was in danger though. I better lay low for a while so if you don't hear from me for a while, don't worry. When I'm ready, I’ll find you . . .

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