Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Casey: Rumors and Prayers

Rumor has it that the dark elves and dwarves have joined forces with Visk and have attacked Kahoor. What I remember of Visk is that the Emperor was some sort of unconquerable tyrant. I don't recall them ever having beef with Kahoor, though. They have always been fighting at some point or another in history and present time with Jehannum. This makes me wonder if Jehannum has been decimated by these foul beasts and that's why they have gone after Kahoor or Jehannum is waging a battle against the Drow alone. The latter doesn't seem plausible because Jehannum beat Visk alone in a large-scale battle several hundred years ago. If all the power of Visk couldn't beat them down then Drow alone surely couldn't. Hopefully, Jehannum stands and is attacking the Viskans, dark elves and dwarves from behind.

I began praying to Hombel fairly soon after our voyage to Caldraza began. My family has been in my prayers every night since the fall of Saragost. I now have the faith and I truly believe that all the gods are throwing all their protections out as a team as the Starborn is. I think maybe Saragost was supposed to fall so that we would begin listening to one another. Now if the rest of the world would listen to us and start arming themselves with not just knowledge but weapons, as well, we will have a better fighting chance against this evil. If the word is spread across the ocean before the Drow have a chance to attack then perhaps countries can aid countries.

I refuse to break down. I hope my family is alright. Surely they knew ahead of time like most of Chillhame did and are keeping them at bay if not outright destroying them. I wish that I could get to them to help them, but I suppose that the direction I am headed is now the direction that will eventually help them. Since we are now on the same continent as my people we can now lead towards aiding them.

I agree with Alev that we need to find out what other countries have been attacked. It makes me wonder if the places the rumors say have been attacked are the places where the Starborn weapons are. I know Rygorh mentioned systematic attacks and I think he's right. They must be systematically attacking all places in which our rightful good weapons are hidden. At first I was simply thinking that Rygorh found his weapon on Chillhame and that all our weapons would be found on Chillhame. I must have missed the clue while I was brooding about going home.

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Casey: A Wild City

It was awfully nice to get off that blasted ship! Of course, what we landed in was not the nicest of cities. Crescent City is nothing like Saragost or back home in Umbria. It's a never sleeping city! I never knew you could purchase so many different things in one place. Back home gypsies traveled to us to show us their collections. Here in Crescent City folks stand about in amazingly filthy covered wagons or in some sort of push-buggy shoving their wares in your face. Women hang out of windows calling down to the men with their bosoms flopping about and make-up smeared on their faces. Why, it seems everyone is need of a bath here.

Here and there I notice what appears to be a beautiful, expensive inn in surrounded by several brothels and cheaper inns. I wonder why the innkeepers decided to buy themselves land and building amongst the most disgusting. One would think that the more expensive shops and inns would be at one end of the city while the lower-class would be at the other end.

The drunken acrobat was the entertainment our first night in Crescent City. That was quite amusing. It's amazing that he could stand, much less tumble and flip from table to table like he did. While standing on a swing that was attached to the ceiling he did this flip-about and managed to not entangle himself in the swing itself. It reminded me of the time that Daddy took us to Shumil to visit his sister. She hosted a party in which there was a fool, harpist, and an acrobat. The acrobat was sober, of course, and could do similar feats like the Tumbling Drunkard.

After dinner we listened to Rygorh opine about what we should and should not do while in the city. Somewhat agreeing with him I then climbed into bed and had the first good night's sleep I'd had in awhile.

The next day we all set out on our appointed tasks and while out I was able to find a wonderful master smith that is going to make me a masterwork scimitar. I can hardly wait to get it. Instead of fighting with a dagger and lunging in on my opponent I will be able to dance around them and slash. I'll need to get out and practice with it once I get it.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to start working with my horse. In that last battle with the dwarves I was chasing them down with not much idea where exactly they were. Neil was able to give me a direction but I want my horse to be able to sniff them out so I don't get hit quite so hard. Although, had I just dodged a little more I don't think they would’ve hit me.

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Chapter Eight: Crescent City (Rumors of War)

Crescent City, April 15

Word on the street has it that a force of evil dwarves have conquered the island nation of Chillhame. Some few hundred refugees from Saragost and other towns have arrived all across Caldraza, but mainly in Crescent City. Furthermore, there is talk of a band of heroes that rode across the land warning of impending danger before the attack. Some people mutter that they were in cohoots with the Duergar, while others praise them for saving lives all across the island. What everyone agrees on is that the city of Saragost has fallen and that a dwarven army rules there now.

Further information gathering on the part of the PCs reveals the following:

  • Tilk: Lord Malthus has been in power in Crescent City for about six months. He was chosen by the head of the Church of Marius. His predecessor fled the city with thousands of gold. The governor before him was assassinated.
  • Neil: There was once only a single thieves' guild in Crescent City. When the authorities crushed the old guild ten years ago, the King and Queen of Thieves hid some special treasure away somewhere in the testing maze under the guild house. Nobody has ever found it, though plenty of people have tried. The guild house is a hospice now, sacred to Saint Cecilia.
  • Rumus: There are people in the city who are preparing to arm the swamp elves for revolution.
  • Rygorh: A great army of gray dwarves and dark elves is marching up the length of the eastern continent. Already the nations of Kandang and Murak Muran have been conquered. The armies now march across the lands of the sorcerer kings in Valjinn.
  • Seebo: The crime rate is much greater now that in was in the days of the King and Queen of Thieves, Thom and Lolly Lankin. Things have gotten somewhat better under Lord Malthus, but things still aren't like they were in the "good old days."
  • Alev: There is a whole plantation up the river that is completely deserted. The owners just fled one day without ever explaining why. Since they never sold the land to anyone, it is unused and the mansion house has gone to rack and ruin. If you go there on a dark night, you can hear screaming.
  • Casey: An army of dark elves and gray dwarves has joined forces with the humanoids of Visk. They have marched into Kahoor and are destroying the country.
  • Dinah: Lord Raglan's lieutenant, Jackary, is some kind of a vampire.
  • Lorelei: The building that is now the Town Hall used to be a temple to the elven God Brith; there are rooms in there that nobody knows about.

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Chapter Eight: Crescent City (A Message)

On the evening of April 14, around 7:00 pm Seebo feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Someone is watching him from afar. A moment later a whispered voice speaks clearly to all of the Starborn (except Lorelei and Dinah) who are within ten feet of Seebo at this time. It is the voice of Lady Arigane of Saragost:

"My friends, we have only a few minutes. My magic is not so powerful that I can continue this conversation indefinitely.

"The Duergar army and their drow leaders have thoroughly mastered Saragost. On the night of the battle many hundreds were slaughtered by the marching soldiers. Anyone that served in the active defense of Saragost, particulary the city watch, was cut down mercilessly. Everyone was forced into their homes and told to stay there.

"The next morning Count Crastic appeared and announced that he was the new governor of the city. The Council would remain intact, only the membership was changed significantly. Grandlord Yomah retains his seat on the Council, but now must defer to Crastic. Michel Dunsany advises the Council, but he has been confined to the Hall of Echoes. My seat on the Council has been given over to a drow wizard named Xandrik Arakh and Sir Talos Greykeep's seat belongs now to a drow commander, Captain Tzanvine, who commanded the Duergar army during the battle.

"Later that evening hundreds of 'insurgents' were executed, including Sir Talos Greykeep the city watch commander. Count Crastic named them as traitors to the well-being of Saragost; had they not fought the Duergar there would have been peace with the Duegar and Drow . . . people would not have died.

"A curfew is in effect from dawn until dusk. The Duergar and Drow do not want to deal with people during the daylight hours. A fairly large handful of the people of Saragost have joined in with the invaders, taking posts as informants and daytime police.

"The Sanctuary of the Seven Archways still stands, but we are confined to the towers. The Drow cannot muster the strength to overcome our magic, but we cannot exit safely. I fear that we will soon grow weary of the fight and we must fail.

"Please give me news of your exploits. I see that you have reached a place of safety . . . are you in Crescent City now? What happens with you?"

Successful spellcraft checks indicate that Lady Arigane has cast scrying on Seebo and is using message to speak to all of you through the magical sensor.

Any of the Starborn that were in Saragost before and who are with Seebo at this time may speak to Lady Arigane.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Map of Caldraza

Caldraza lies on the northen end of the eastern continent of Ashfar. The capital of the country is Beacon City. Crescent City is the second largest city in the nation. Underdell is an underground dwarven settlement. Pengallin is a border fort . . . the Caldrazans have had intermittent battle with the denizens of Ghael for generations. The swamps and jungles east of Crescent City along the Sappent River are uninhabited wilderness.

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Chapter Eight: Crescent City (The Cathedral of Blessed Marius)

Alev, Dinah and Seebo spent a few hours knocking around town and wandered over to the Cathedral of Blessed Marius. This massive marble structure is the center of Marianism on Ashfar. This huge building towers above the others in the city centre, giving the whole sprawling mass of the city a focus point. It was built only thirty years ago, when the royal family officially embraced Marianism as the religion of Caldraza and funded cathedrals in all the major cities. The white marble gleams in the sunlight, owing to the relatively recent construction and the deligent work of the faithful to keep the place clean.

The place is a vast, grim, joyless structure, designed to convey the permanence of Law. There are no decorations or architectural touches. Everything is stark and geometric, as if to say that mathematics (rather than beauty or morals) is what connects man with the eternal. A central window in the main tower is circular with six radiating spokes, the image of the great Wheel from Marius' vision.

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Religion in Ashfar (Kharad)

Between them Lorelei, Neil and Rygorh manage to recall and piece together a bit of information about the deity Kharad:

Kharad is the name of an obscure elvish god of vegetation and fertility, worshipped by a very small number of elves in the past and not at all today. There is something dark about the forgotten deity . . . it seems that the god represented the life cycle and death. Worship of this deity was forbidden during the ancient elven empire.

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Chapter Eight: Crescent City (Interlude I)

During the first couple of days in Crescent City Lorelei manages to befriend one of the swamp elf denizens of the city. She sees him on a street corner selling "bowls of brown" for a copper each and strikes up a conversation.

The elf slave is very evasive at first and only has interest in selling his stew. Over the next few days Lorelei visits him daily, and eventually the charismatic bard manages to win him over and glean a few facts about the swamp elves from him:

  • The swamp elf is named Greenroot. He comes from the swamps east of Crescent City. He belongs to a spice trader that he only calls Master. Any coppers he collects selling his swamp stew he uses to buy luxury items for himself like new shoes, an extra meal or occassionally a pint of ale.
  • Swamp elves have been enslaved by all of the races of Caldraza forever. The elves of Xoth Sarandi started the tradition eons ago.
  • Swamp elves worship the aspects of nature. They do not have "gods" per se. It takes a bit of charm to get this information out of Greenroot. Initially he tells Lorelei that he follows the tenants of Marianism, but after he comes to trust her he tells the truth . . . the swamp elves still follow the "old ways" in secret.
  • When Lorelei mentions the name Kharad, Greenroot makes some warding sign and flees from her. He doesn't speak to her again that day, but comes around again on the morrow.
  • Swamp elves live in crude villages in the swamps and jungles east of Caldraza. Any "master" (human, elf, etc.) with permission from the governor of Crescent City can venture into the swamps and claim any swamp elf as his/her slave.
  • Greenroot has never heard of the Starborn, the Host, the Equinox of Heroes or Severil Blackthorn. He expresses complete bewilderment at the mention of any of these names.
  • All swamp elves are illiterate. It is illegal in Caldraza to teach a swamp elf how to read and write.

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Religion in Ashfar (Marianism)

Neil manages to recall a few facts about Marianism, the state religion of Caldraza. With Lorelie's help the two of them piece together the following:

The religion of Marianism, from the words of the prophet Marius, has grown from a mere cult over the centuries to become the official state religion of Caldraza. It involves the worship of Law as a concept, with no deities involved. Marianism sees the worship of such deities as Aranu and Hombel as 'mere paganism', which is grudgingly tolerated but only as better than no religion at all. Marianists are determined to convert as many pagans to their beliefs as possible, thinking that this brings true civilisation instead of primitive chaos.

Marius was a human slave in the time of the elven occupation. He became enlightened when he saw a vision of the universe as a great wheel, raising some and crushing others, with no malice or blessing involved. Order, and only order, was the nature of the divine. This knowledge liberated him from the fear of death. Nothing was arbitrary; everything was meaningful. If it was not his time to die, then he would not die. If it was, he would. Either way, there was no sense in fearing it.

Marius led a human revolt against their elven overlords, which was quickly crushed. The elven ruler of the city recognised the signs of a prophet in the man and demanded an audience. Marius calmly explained that the elves were dominant now, but that men would be dominant in times to come. Such was the turning of the wheel and there was nothing either Marius or the elf could do to prevent it.

Marius Executed Outraged at being addressed in this way by a mere human slave, the governor ordered that Marius would learn some important lessons about the way the universe worked. It was not some impartial cosmic machinery but the will of individuals that determined how things transpired; in this case, it was the governor's will that Marius should die. Marius was lashed to the hands of the central clock of Beacon City in a cruel parody of his own beliefs, so that the inevitable clockwork of the machine would tear him in two.

Before he died, Marius calmly denounced the elves and promised his people that they would soon be gone. His words proved true, for the elven empire began to crumble that same year and the great retreat back to Xoth Sarandi began. Clerics of Marius take a new name when they are ordained. It is traditional to name yourself after one of the virtues, such as Justice, Vigilance or Loyalty.

Domains: Law, Protection
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff

The religious leader of Crescent City is Vigilence Derrick, a cold, hard man who looks down his nose at the seething filth that is Crescent City. It shames him to see that the city where his religion was founded has turned to such a boiling pot of decadence.

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Chapter Eight: Crescent City

The skyline of the city ahead of you is a strange mixture of graceful elven towers and humble slate roofs. In the centre of all is a high steeple, strangely plain and bland in design. As you draw closer, a medley of unfamiliar smells fills your nostrils: unknown meats simmering, cheap perfume, roses and violets, the swampy reek of black mud and something else underlying it all, the sugary spoiled smell of human decadence.

Crescent City The Starborn reach Crescent City on the afternoon of April 10. The harbor master greets them, inspects the ships for cargo and levies the port taxes. The heroes leave these minor details to Captain Tabarak Loman of the Elensil and quickly make their way into the city.

The place is awash in exotic sights, sounds and smells. Street hawkers call out their wares . . . bowls of brown for a copper piece, magical charms against the diseases of the swamps at various rates, and pleasures of the flesh for an hour or a day. A cursory look around reveals dozens of inns and taverns varying widely in price and quality lining the waterfront on the harbor and the river.

Crescent City constantly buzzes to the tune of party-goers, street walking prostitutes and mystical merchants selling anything one can desire . . . for the right price.

The heroes find suitable accomodations at the Tumbling Drunkard where the evening entertainment is, in fact, a drunk acrobat who performs amazing feats of agility and gymnastics. The Starborn take rooms, baths and a private dining hall where they can discuss the situation. Rygorh advises everyone to lay low for a couple of weeks and get the feel for the place. After a bit of disucssion it is agreed that the party will stay at the 'Drunkard for a while and see what they can learn about the city and try to get a line on the Temple of Kharad.

Over the next few days the heroes learn a bit about Crescent City:

  • Tilk: A vampire has stalked the streets of Crescent City for years. He kills beautiful young women, typically whores, once each week leaving them completely drained of blood near the docks.
  • Neil: There are four competing crime lords running the city – Lord Raglan, Jimmy the Tailor, Little Reginald and Dark Mariah. If you commit a crime on their turf without their permission, then you are in a lot of trouble.
  • Rumus: Members of the various criminal groups identify one another with hand signs. Jimmy the Tailor's group uses a complex hand gesture followed by a handshake which a man shows Rumus how to imitate.
  • Rygorh: A serial murderer is doing away with people. He mutilates the bodies in a horrible way: he takes his victims' faces.
  • Seebo: On each crime lord's territory, there is one tavern where the crime lord's men rule the roost and can drink in safety; the landlord is in cahoots with them and will provide alibis and hiding places when needed.
  • Alev: Lord Malthus, the governor of the city, is in fact a woman called Jessica. The beard is false – somebody once saw it begin to peel off in the middle of a council meeting, at which "Malthus" rushed out of the room and did not come back for ten minutes. Jessica is Archbishop Vigilance Derrick's secret lover, which is how she got the position of governor of Crescent City.
  • Casey: The swamp elves have been slaves for as long as anyone can remember, though there are rumours of a planned uprising.
  • Dinah: The crime lords have an agreement with the guards, meaning that their people can usually get away with petty crimes, so long as nobody is badly hurt.
  • Lorelei: Lord Raglan's tavern is the Merry Jackdaw, Jimmy the Tailor's is the Pig and Hammer, Little Reginald's is the Chandler's Arms and Dark Mariah's crew drink at the Lifeless Lass. There is a tavern in the centre of town called the Laughing Lord, which is the only neutral territory in the city as far as the crime lords are concerned. They meet there if they ever want to have a face-to-face discussion.

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Chapter Seven: Flight to Crescent City (game time)

Early morning, April 4, the Elensil comes upon the remains of a wrecked ship. Flotsam, debris and a pair of women float in the sea. The heroes pluck the damsels in distress out of the water and set to making introductions. A couple of hours of discussion reveals that these two ladies, Dinah Murphy of Jehannum and Lorelei Zandros of Caldraza, are also of the Starborn.

AstercoteThe party spends the rest of the day in leisurely discussion and reflection on recent events. Late in the afternoon the ship's lookout and Neil, who are both in the crow's nest, spot an amazing sight . . . a massive chunk of land with a town attached floats past the Elensil about half a mile north of the ship heading east. The group quickly surmises that this is the missing town of Astercote. They are unable to approach or interact with the town, but they can see people scurrying about the place.

Later in the evening Alev receives the following sending from Lady Arigane: "The Sanctuary holds. Crastic commands the city. There is a curfew from dawn til dusk. Keep to your path. We may meet again."

Eyrines During the next day a pair of devils attack the Elensil! The two Eryines pelt the sails, and the Starborn, with flaming arrows for a minute or so. Most of the heroes' attacks are completely ineffective against the creatures. After ensuring that the Elensil was disabled, the devils vanished.

The next day is fairly uneventful until late in the afternoon. With no sails the Elensil crawls along under the power of oars. Neil spots another ship on the western horizon. This ship is overtaking the heroes. When it approaches to within about a half mile it maintains its distance . . . for a couple of hours. As the sun sets the other ship begins to close.

Ship to Ship Combat Having correctly guessed that there are Drow aboard the ship, the Starborn prepare for battle. As the enemy ship arrives the entire area is plunged into magical darkness. Then faerie fire illuminates the heroes and the crew of the Elensil. Drow begin to board the ship, cutting down the hapless crew.

A fierce battle ensues. Dinah provides a much needed punch to the battle by using her wand of enlarge person on herself, Casey and Rygorh. The Drow are quickly overtaken and the enemy ship the Gray Reaver liberated. The heroes find that the crew are human, elf and dwarf slaves taken from Saragost by the Drow. The Starborn free the slaves, but ask them to stay on to crew the ship into port at Crecent City. Neil suggested they rename the ship the Evening Star and Seebo claimed the captain's seat. Later Seebo named Captain Tabarak Loman as the Commodore of the Starborn's two ship fleet.

The next several days pass uneventfully and the Starborn arrive in Crescent City in the afternoon on April 10.

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Friday, February 24, 2006

Alev: Moving On

April 3, 998 CE

Again I have been neglecting my journal. I have just now finally been able to sit down and collect my thoughts and put my emotions back in check. We did everything right in preparing for the battle. I was able to convert the Drow formula into four smaller devices to be used as explosives on the field and set oil traps. The army was prepared; the insurgents inside the walls had been crippled.

Little did we know what we truly faced. With this army came these huge undead monstrosities, the size of giants, with metal balls where the head should be and pipes extending from the metal into the fleshy shoulders. This was their siege weapon, no catapults, no ballista, these giant Hruggi, they were called. Never before have I seen such a creation.

We moved out to attack from the rear. It had little to no effect. We were able to take out a lieutenant Duergar, but it cost us the life of Tilk against one of those undead machines. In the end, all we did was delay the inevitable. These vile Host have been preparing for this invasion for a long time. The world is ill-prepared to meet the onslaught.

Never-the-less, the people of Saragost made me proud that day. They fought bravely for as long as they could. To come from knowing nothing to mounting a sizable defense against a well prepared army in less than 10 days is a great achievement. While, in the end, they fell, the memory of their attempt will haunt me for a long time.

Seems no matter where I go, I cannot find justice and am forced to bring it with a vengeance.

Four weeks had passed since news had come back that the caravan my brother was traveling with was hit. That's the third of my father's merchant trains hit this year; definitely beyond coincidence now. I have been working with this Dwarven investigator my father knows, trying to determine who is behind this. Finally, a clue presented itself in the form of a suspicious clerk.

We followed him to The Black Unicorn, a local tavern, where he met up with another individual. When put to the question later, we learned that this person was who he sold the information on the merchant trains to. A man named Flavius Glower. It is amazing how truthful someone becomes when under the knife. This dwarf knows things that could even make me queasy.

Odd, I haven't thought of those days in a long time. Seems I am meant to turn my sadness into anger and take vengeance once again. This Host has yet to truly feel our wrath. One day, soon I hope, we shall again get the chance to stomp on their precious egos. Who knows, I might actually smile then.

We are traveling for Caldraza now. Off to find this one called the Ragged Man, who we think is the elven wizard who survived the last Equinox. While some of my companions deal with the pain of the deaths of so many, I plan strategies for how to combat our foe. We are at war, and during war, emotion must take a backseat to survival. Rygorh speaks well when not overcome with fury and raging like a barbarian. While an emotional speech, it did have the right message. Deal with the loss later, for now we must plan for the future.

I wonder what the Host has done in this country so far that we must overcome. We shall soon see what awaits us. I must plan for contingencies; I cannot let my companions down again.

"I'm sorry, brother, that I wasn't there to protect you this time," I thought standing there outside my family's tomb. "We found the one who sold the information though, I watched him questioned this morning. Soon he will lead us to the one who orchestrated this. Soon I will avenge you."

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Character Spotlight: Dinah Murphy (Tara)


Dinah Murphy
  1. Where was your character born? Dinah was born in Ellenbeck, Jehannum.
  2. Who raised her? She was raised by her father and three older brothers.
  3. What was happening in the region when your character was growing up? Armies were being raised to attack the barbarians in Visk.
  4. Does your character have any relatives? Father and brothers, all members of the Jehannum Military.


  1. What are your character’s immediate goals? What would she like to do in the coming year? Unsure at this time; Dinah is mostly motivated by justice and righteousness.
  2. What are her long-term goals? Dinah is motivated by what is right: defending those that need defending and seeing that justice is brought to those deserving. All she knows of life is the military. In a sense, she is searching for what's out in the world - away from the military life she has always known.
  3. What type of person would be her ideal mate? She is not seeking a mate; a military man would suit her best if she ever looks for one.
  4. Who is her patron deity? Is she a devout worshiper? Dinah follows Hombel, although she is more devoted the cause of good and justice than to Hombel specifically.
  5. Is she a devout member of any nonreligious cause? Dinah has served in the Jehannum military and, as such, is a full voting member of Jehannum society.
  6. Is there any race, creed, alignment, etc. against which she is strongly prejudiced? She is strongly prejudiced against all that is evil and those that harm others.
  7. What is her greatest fear? A world full of chaos - no law.
  8. What is the one task she absolutely refuses to do? Steal.


  1. Favorite saying: "Woohoo!"
  2. What is her favorite color? Purple.
  3. Describe what she would wear if money were no object: nice, not noble nice, but nice: pants, ruffled shirt, vest, boots, etc. some jewelry, nothing gaudy.
  4. What is her farovrite food and drink? Venison and ale.
  5. What is her favorite animal? wolf.
  6. What habits of his friends annoy him the most? Being condescending, arrogant pigs; surrounded by men all the time and she hates when they treat her like a "girl."


Courtesy: 9 Valor: 10 Self-sacrifice: 10 Generosity: 9
Sobriety: 8 Calm Temper: 8 Optimism: 8 Curiosity: 8
Forgiveness: 8 Cheerfulness: 9 Patience: 8 Honesty: 10
Helpfulness: 9 Loyalty: 10    


  • Dinah resembles Gwen Steffani.
  • Her theme song would be One by Creed.
  • If her friends wrote her epithet it would be: "Great, loyal warrior."
  • In the modern world Dinah would be in the military or a member of the police forces.

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Current Character Roster

Updated Saturday, June 3, 2006

Old character roster

  • Chris: Tilk, chaotic good human barbarian (2)/wizard (transmuter)(4)/rage mage (1) from Boskendale; struggling to survive; not an adventurer by choice.
    • Star: the Reaper
    • Deity: Wohoon (CN)
    • Homeland: Boskendale
    • XP: 24,753 (28,000)
  • Jeff: Cornelius "Neil" Stringfellow, neutral good strongheart halfling cleric (8)/Mystic Traveler (1) of Old Heakun from Verd; traveling the world to explore.
    • Star: the Wave
    • Deity: Old Heakun (N)
    • Homeland: Verd
    • XP: 36,350 (45,000)
  • Josh: Alevonius "Alev" Talon, lawful neutral human warmage (8) from Jehannum; seeking experience to one day lead a military outfit.
    • Star: the Rose
    • Deity: Aranu (LN)
    • Homeland: Jehannum
    • XP: 35,075 (36,000)
  • Mike: Rygorh, chaotic good human cleric (4)/fighter (2)/warpriest (3) of Firinna from the Scarred Lands; scratching along in life to survive.
    • Star: the Reaper
    • Deity: Firinna (CN)
    • Homeland: the Eagle Nations
    • XP: 39,657 (45,000)
  • NPC (Rygorh's cohort): Ashton, chaotic good human fighter (2)/ranger (5) from Hockton Barrow in Chillhame; follower of Firinna that has pledged himself to the cause of the Starborn and to Rygorh in particular.
  • Raj: Seebo "the Knife", chaotic good (mostly) strongheart halfling rogue (3)/Ranger (2)/Whisper Knife (3)/Master Thrower (1) from Verd; traveling the world to satisfy wanderlust.
    • Star: the Great Wolf
    • Deity: Arosi (CN)
    • Homeland: Verd
    • XP: 37,382 (45,000)
  • Rozanne: Casey Straton, chaotic good human fighter (2)/ranger (3)/dervish (3) from Kahoor; fleeing her responsibility as the daughter of a Kahooran noble.
    • Star: the Satyr
    • Deity: Hombel (LG)
    • Homeland: Kahoor
    • XP: 34,405 (36,000)
  • Tara: Dinah Murphy, lawful good paladin (2)/sorcerer (4)/spellsword (2) from Jehannum; she is a strict militarist that is following in her father's and brothers' footsteps.
    • Star: the Unicorn
    • Deity: Hombel
    • Homeland: Jehannum
    • XP: 35,161 (36,000)
  • Zed: Kettle Bricknell, neutral good dwarf fighter (1)/dungeon engineer (6) from Underdell.
    • Star: the Flail
    • Deity: Hombell
    • Homeland: Underdell
    • XP: 32,667 (36,000)

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Character Spotlight: Lorelei Zandros (Tracey)


Lorelei Zandros
  1. Where was your character born? Lorelei was born in Beacon City, Caldraza.
  2. Who raised her? She was raised in a home above her father’s harp shop by her mother and father until her mother passed when she was twelve. Her father handled it pretty roughly for the first year when he then hired on an apprentice who was fourteen at the time.
  3. What was happening in the region when your character was growing up? Conflict and growth. Refinement in the arts and sciences. A sweeping change in national religion.
  4. Does your character have any relatives? She has an aunt who married a merchant who specializes in grain shares in Beacon City.


  1. What are your character’s immediate goals? What would she like to do in the coming year? Her immediate goals were to stay out of Caldraza long enough that the people that want to see her dead have been found and dealt with. Her intention was to travel the countryside until it was safe to return. But after all that’s happened in the last year, she’s not sure that she is truly cut out to continue the life that she had led.
  2. What are her long-term goals? She isn’t sure anymore. She has felt through her travels that there is something more to the life that she’s led and that she was given the gifts she has to cultivate more than what she has used them for.
  3. What type of person would be her ideal mate? Her ideal mate was murdered, but until his murder, he was the last person she would have considered to be her ideal mate. Now, there is a chance that no one will ever measure up to the man her memories cling to.
  4. Who is her patron deity? Is she a devout worshiper? Merrithrawn. She believes that every sound of the world is a piece in a prayer that defines life. Every song is an offering, not just to Merrithrawn, but to all of existence.
  5. Is she a devout member of any nonreligious cause? She is loyal to the Court of Caldraza. She believes in the entity of the kingdom and would give her life to protect it and its royalty who protect and inspire all the greatness that is Caldraza.
  6. Is there any race, creed, alignment, etc. against which she is strongly prejudiced? She fears those who will stop at nothing to further their own ends when their endeavors hurts or kills innocent people or destroys something beautiful.
  7. What is her greatest fear? Love.
  8. What is the one task she absolutely refuses to do? Clean a carcass of any kind. Makes her queasy.


  1. What is her favorite color? Yellow.
  2. Describe what she would wear if money were no object: Silk gowns and silk slippers. Elaborate jewelry embellished with yellow diamonds.
  3. What is her farovrite food and drink? Duck in fig sauce and a deep, woodsy red wine.
  4. What is her favorite animal? Dove. She had doves once. They sang beautifully.
  5. What habits of his friends annoy him the most? Petty indifference, apathy, and infatuation with the superficial.


Courtesy: 8 Valor: 6 Self-sacrifice: 10 Generosity: 8
Sobriety: 7 Calm Temper: 8 Optimism: 9 Curiosity: 7
Forgiveness: 6 Cheerfulness: 7 Patience: 4 Honesty: 6
Helpfulness: 7 Loyalty: 8    


  1. What would be her theme song? Through the Dark by KT Tunstall
  2. What would be his job in modern society? Recording artist / political activist.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

New Characters: Introduction

This introduction is for the new PCs played by Tara and Tracey . . .

Make a swim check!Where are you? Who are you? You are floating . . . in a timeless sleep. Your last thought is of childhood . . . a happier time. Now there is nothing . . . only a soft, pleasant emptiness, and all is well.

You feel rather than hear a soft maternal voice calling to you. She is pleading with you . . . She needs your help. Your time to stand has come. You must join your brothers and sisters in the fight . . . the fight that has always been yours. The Dark threatens . . . the Starborn must stand again against the great tyranny . . .

As you float in nothingness you feel a sudden vertigo. You are falling! Falling forever . . . from nothing into nothing.

You wake abruptly with the taste of seawater in your mouth . . . make a swim check . . .

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Law's Game Style Quiz

This quiz is kind of neat. Fill it out; see what you get; post your results here.

Here's my results:

You scored as Storyteller

You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

  • Storyteller 83%
  • Tactician 75%
  • Butt-Kicker 67%
  • Power Gamer 67%
  • Specialist 42%
  • Method Actor 25%
  • Casual Gamer 17%

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Personality Test (non-game related)

Interesting . . . very interesting . . .

Your Personality Profile
  • You are dependable, popular, and observant.
  • Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
  • In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
  • You are unique, creative, and expressive.
  • You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
  • And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

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Rygorh: A Stirring Speech

Once those who accept Rygorh's invitation come to his cabin he says the following:

"Thank you for coming, my friends. I would ask you to allow me to finish what I have to say before anyone speaks."

Pausing for a moment to make eye contact with each and everyone, not in challenge but as if searching for something . . . then lighting a cigar and staring at the hot ember he continues.

"We have witnessed what none should ever have to bear; I believe we have all been affected in some way by the events that have occurred. I see in my mind's eye day and night many faces at the Inn, in the streets, on the wall," as his voice seems to crack he turns and takes a couple paces towards the wall. "I dream of waking up and being cursed at by the barkeep, however I know that will not happen again. In my life I have never wanted something so much as a victory at Saragost; in all of the conflicts before never have I . . . hmm, cared as much as I did there. I have wondered where we went wrong, what could we have done differently? I have come to one conclusion, playing the battle repeatedly in my head: nothing; we did all that we could do. We could not have changed the outcome of that battle . . . not yet. We did more than any of us are willing to give ourselves credit for, I think. We gave Saragost a fighting chance. In four weeks' time we raised the alarm, uncovered plots within the city, and we gave them a fighting chance. Without that, the Darkness would have walked across that island unhindered and destroyed every thing from Bronce to Saragost. Four weeks ago we didn't know each other, we didn't know of Chillhame or of Saragost, nor did we know of the Cthonic Alliance as they call themselves. The enemy was prepared; probably have been preparing for years, maybe even for the last 1000 years. You heard that bitch, calling them the ones of Prophecy."

Pausing again for a moment:

"We must now move forward. I do not want to sound cold; we must put away what has happened and look forward. I do not say not to mourn nor do I say to forget because that we should not do . . . cannot do. I do say however do not lose hope, do not lose faith. Remember those faces, remember those people, be proud of them for their sacrifice; they choose as free men not to be enslaved and to fight!"

Then turning and looking everyone over with a hard expression on his face:

"The day will come when those responsible will have to pay! They call themselves the Cthonic Alliance, I call them responsible, and when the time comes, we will collect their debt . . . in blood."

Hands curling into fists, knuckles white, a single tear falling from the corner of his eye:

"Remember Saragost and the faces of the people who gave up so much when we meet this . . . Terror," spitting the word, "and we make her pay."

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Seebo: Reflections II

"Neil looks pretty bad. I think he's taking this harder than any of us. He's usually the most vibrant one among us but lately he's been in a dour mood. Do you think you can talk to him? You know, maybe tell him that it wasn't his fault and you're not disappointed in him? See, I think the biggest thing that's bothering him isn't necessarily the fall of Saragost, but rather the loss of the Tump and the Node. He thinks he failed you.

"It bothers me a lot to know that we can't even stand against our enemies right now. But I don't think we'll always be the underdogs. I have hope. I think Neil is losing his. I hope he doesn't start to doubt his faith. You'll talk to him right? He needs you now more than ever.

"At least a few of us seem to be dealing with this whole thing well enough. Alev doesn't seem too phased but then again he's the son of a warlord or something. I think we all need to look to each other for strength right now.

"Casey has been really quiet though that's not too out of the ordinary. She's probably not handling this too well. Hopefully she'll find a way to come to grips with what happened. We can't afford to lose her to her own fears.

"You know, I have a newfound respect for Rygorh but maybe you can have Firinna talk to him. Sometimes he just doesn't understand. As soon as we fled Saragost, can you believe he tried to get us to start making plans for what we were going to do when we hit Caldraza? While I agree that we probably should figure out what we're going to do, he should have given us at least a little bit of time. He has good intentions, I know. But sometimes you have to look beyond what you see in front of you and discover that there is something else underneath. We're each dealing with what happened in our own way. I suppose this is just Rygorh's way of dealing with it. He's always been the 'take action' kind of guy. I wonder if he ever feels sad or just hides it with his anger. You wouldn't happen to know would you?

"I wonder how Tilk feels. I've never been dead before. Heh, there's something I never thought I'd say. Rygorh and Alev, and now Tilk have all experienced something pretty amazing. I can't imagine what its like to die.

"Rumus is just as quiet as ever. He's so hard to read. I just haven't been around too many elves in my life. Sure I met a few here and there around Verda but I can maybe count on two hands how many I've met in my life.

"I think I'll go up top for a while and get some fresh air. Thanks for the talk. You know, you don't have to just listen? I wouldn't mind hearing what you think about what's going on. Ah well, I'm sure you have your reasons for everything you do."

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Birthday Party (non-game related)

Denise, Brent, Rozanne

Heh, heh, heh, heh . . . I'm 35 years old now . . . I still party like I'm 22 though . . .

We did an 80's theme party last night . . . afterall, that was coming of age for most, er, well, some of us. So, party at the house then off to Flashback Nightclub to see . . . That 80's Hair Band. Dude, they rocked!


Primal Scream!

Primal Scream


I'll do some more pictures later . . . maybe.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Chapter Seven: Flight to Crescent City (first night)

April 3, just past midnight

the Elensil at SeaThe Starborn have been aboard the Elensil for several hours in their flight from the Duergar army that has captured Saragost. The weather has turned cool and a storm blows in from the north. Rain lashes the deck, wind rips at the sails and crashing thunder punctuates flashes of lightning.

A sudden dread overcomes each of the heroes. A deep sense of loss crushes their spirits followed by a brief bout of nausea. Those who are sleeping have terrifying dreams of darkness falling over something beloved to them . . . something important. Gripped by fear the Starborn see visions of a great blackness swallowing the stars . . . or ripping them from the fabric of reality . . . time is growing short . . . the Dark is moving . . .

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Chronicles of Rygorh: The Fall of Saragost

The beast has not seen us yet, maybe we can bring it down from a distance. I don't think anyone wanted to get within reach of this monster's club. We moved to maximum range and struck at it with magic and arrows; they seem not to do much except to alert the creature of our presence. He moved forward attempting to engage us but we moved back again, pelting it with magic and arrows. Alev used one of the explosive devices that he had created, but that only seemed to slow the beast. I found myself wishing that Rumus were here with his ranged magic; again without a strong long distance attack we are in trouble. Again, the beast moved forward and we retreated blasting it, someone in the back shouting that we cannot keep this up we must get to the city. This time, however, it was too late as the creature lumbered forward and everyone began to withdraw once again. I realized that I had miscalculated the creature's speed and he towered above me.

Glancing around I knew, as his massive head swiveled towards me club upraised, if I attempted to move out of his range he would strike me down. "By Firinna's mighty blade," I thought "Rygorh will not die in flight." With that thought, gripping my sword and taking a deep breath, I stepped towards the monster. I heard someone shout something at me but in my battle lust I couldn't make out what was said as I lunged at the beast feeling my blade strike true. I felt the blade slicing through muscle and dead flesh and the acrid scent of burning dead flesh as the flames that flicked the length of my blade made a sizzling and popping sound that was sickening. I brought my shield up as that hovering club sailed down towards me, "This could be it, at least my friends can get to safety," I thought just as I felt the impact. Knocked off balance I felt my shield slam back into me, my shoulder wrenched in its socket as it dislocated and the snapping of bones in my ribs and arm. Legs slightly wobbly and the taste of blood in my throat I realized I still lived though not for long. I lunged forward striking him again, hearing that sick sound of my sword meeting his flesh again and waited for the death blow.

Looking up at the club poised above me I began having flashbacks of an ogre's club smashing into my skull and driving me to the ground. Then in the din of battle and the haze filling my head I felt something before he struck, the bones mending, my head clearing and the pain subsiding . . . I know the feeling of healing magic! With a surge of pride, I knew my friends had come to my aid; not a pride in oneself, which I knew well, but a pride gained from a sense of camaraderie, being part of a team a feeling that until now I had never known. Even as the blow struck I could feel the healing course through my veins. Again, now with a clear head, I could hear Neil's chanting and the Knife's shouts, "Hit him again Rygorh, we have you!" With a new fury and an odd sensation in my throat that made it hard to swallow I struck the creature again and again. After trading blows with the beast a couple times I began to wonder if they would be able to keep up the healing long enough to bring down this beast and considered backing away when I heard a bellow of rage. The next blow I had prepared for suddenly diverted as I saw Tilk's form come into view and take a massive jarring impact, but that was not about to stop his charge. His huge sword made contact with the monster. With Tilk at my side there was no backing off; I knew we would surely drop this beast now. I struck again and to my horror saw Tilk fall to another massive blow from the club however even as Tilk fell the beast wavered and dropped to the ground, and I could see over its prone form a grinning Casey on the back of her warhorse on the other side.

I grabbed Tilk's lifeless form and threw him over my horse, and we made for the south gate of Saragost. Moving quickly through the city we made for the sewers and our sanctuary that had earned the name the Node. Once there Tilk was returned to life just as Alev and I had been by these divine and mystical places. We healed up quickly and headed for the ship; there were now gray dwarves moving through the city in packs like rabid dogs. We dispatched one such group with ease. Reaching the ship, we found that Rumus was not present; the crew seemed dismayed when we told them we were leaving again since they were ready to leave as quickly as possible. Finding Rumus at the wizards' tower, we again made our way to the ship and cast off. Our last view of Saragost appeared to be a disaster with smoke rising and the flashes of magic from the wizards' tower . . .

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chronicles of Rygorh: The Battle for Saragost

The massive army of darkness formed up and stopped just outside the range of our catapults to await the setting sun. Thousands of small gray faces staring forward in perfect ranks; these were well disciplined troops after such a forced march. Several covered chairs are towards the rear, they are draped with some type of dark material; I assume those are the Drow leaders of this army. What catches my eyes more than anything are the enormous creatures that flank this army with massive clubs and some kind of pipes going from their neck to the shoulders. I have never seen such an abomination to nature in my life; by Firinna's blessed sword what kind of horrible dark magic could create such beasts? Then just as the sun is setting a female voice from the rear of this massive army speaks loud enough that the defenders can hear on the walls. Standing there I listen for a moment until I realize it is just a flaming speech to attempt to destroy the defenders morale. "Without Mercy?" Yeah, right . . . "Led by the Terror? . . . According to Prophecy?" . . . this can be the name of none other than the enemy of the Starborn, the very ones that we must face down in combat." One thought shrieks in my mind. "Call them out now, Rygorh! Respond to this dark bitch and challenge the Terror now! Call them out into the field and end this Starborn against the Terror . . . End it now! Before anyone has to die!" Standing there with my mouth open ready to bellow my challenge I hear my companions and realize that they are trying to boost the morale of the defenders and it is working. My voice is caught in my throat, "Are we ready for such a confrontation? This is after all the type of impetuous act that angered everyone before." Sighing I realize that it would not be fair or right for me to volunteer my companions into such a fight.

Once this massive force of darkness bent on destruction begins to move forward like a dark tide coming into shore my companions and I run down the steps and jump onto our horses. We have decided that we will exit the south gate, skirt around the army and begin hitting units in the rear. Glancing over I can hear explosions and see little gray corpses and pieces of gray flesh flying through the air as Alev's traps are doing very well. The air rains arrows and crossbow bolts as the body count on the side of the dwarves rises; the city is doing well indeed. We are soon to the rear ranks of this enormous army and now it's time to do some damage. First we come upon three Dwarves apparently guarding something of interest to the army and they are quickly dispatched. One manages to turn invisible but Casey finds him and he joins his fellows in death. We then look around and find what appears to be some kind of commander who turns himself invisible until once again Casey is able to find him. He is brought down as quickly as the others are, "By all the planes of Hell these vile creatures die too easy; I haven't even bloodied my sword!"

Suddenly, as I am glancing around for one of these creatures to vent my anger upon I hear a great noise in the distance. Looking out across the heads of the dark army I see that those horrible beasts created from dark magic have managed to bring down the gates and the dwarves are flooding into the city like a dark plague released upon the surface world. Rumus begins shouting something to Neil that I cannot hear, and then Rumus flies up into the air. Streaking above the dark army he hovers above the crushed gates to the city. With his arms stretched forward as he hovers gouts of flame and arcane magics blast into the enormous beasts at the gate. "What a valiant effort," I think to myself as one of the creatures of dark magic falls before Rumus's power. Even at this distance, I can hear a cheer from the walls as Rumus has managed to rekindle the fighting spirit of the defenders. As many disagreements we seem to have I must say that Rumus knows how to step up when he is needed. We decide that we must join Rumus within the walls so we mount up and begin to skirt back around to re-enter the south gate to rally the men and attempt to force the dwarves back out the gate. As we move around a bend we come face to face with one of those monstrous beasts created by dark magics . . .

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Seebo the Knife: Reflections

"Are you there? Um, I'm not quite sure if I need to do something special or what. Neil said you talked to him sometimes." This is stupid. Why would Heakun care anything about a nobody like me? "Please. I need someone to talk to."

A halfling sat in the back of the cargo hold of the Elensil quietly muttering to himself. He had his knees pulled in to his chest with his arms wrapped around them. His head was bowed, his face buried in the darkness.

"Ok, well maybe you want to just listen. Here goes. I'm scared. I don't know why I was picked to be a Starborn. I don't want to be one, not now, not ever. I didn't ask for this. I just want to find a new life somewhere where I can start over.

"I did those horrible things. I mean, I think I did. I don't remember. I had to though. I was the only one who walked away. I'm not a good person. How can they expect me to do this?"

The Knife's voice faltered and his words cracked. He had unknowingly started to rock back and forth as he sat in the darkness pleading with Heakun. His eyes welled up but he fought back the tears. The strong don't cry, they don't show weakness, he thought to himself. But I'm talking to myself. I've lost it. I've finally gone off the deep end. Why fight it now?

The tears came finally and this time Seebo didn't fight them back. He let the grief of almost a decade of pain finally surface. His parents' death, the only friends he ever knew, the one woman he truly trusted, the city he fought to protect, the countless innocent lives lost, the pain of it all was overwhelming.

"Why should I have to see so many people die!?! What do you have against me? WHY!?!" Seebo screamed at the darkness as he cried. His eyes burned, his voice cracked, he lost control of his emotions.

He screamed until he was hoarse and could no longer stand, the weight of years of repression being lifted from him left him weak. After a few minutes, Seebo's emotions calmed a bit and he gained a bit more composure. He was able to resume his conversation, thinking a bit more clearly now.

"I miss them all so much. I wish I could have at least had a chance to tell my parents how much I loved them. It happened so fast. I wish I could see them again. But it's ok. Everything will be ok because I knew how much they loved me. They would be ashamed to see what I had become. I'm sorry, Annie. I loved you too, I can't imagine letting those assholes do what they did while I just watched. I'll do right by you; I'll be a better person for you and for my parents. I can be better than that. Don't you think? I've proven I can do the right thing; I tried to save peoples' lives. I did save peoples' lives. How many more would have died had we not brought the warning to Saragost? We did right and we gave every person on Chillhame a fighting chance.

"These people, this group of individuals, the Starborn. Why were we brought together, what made us the right people for this quest? I can't imagine how the seven of us are supposed to save the world. Until recently we could barely get along. Hell, there was a time when I didn't even want to be in the same room as Rygorh.

"Do you think we have a chance? I think we do. But what about Saragost? What about all those innocent people? Oh gods, what if they did actually corrupt the Node?

"I need some time to myself if you don't mind. There's a lot happening right now. Thanks for listening."

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Casey: Faith

I should have taken more initiative in the fight with the undead creature, but I was extremely scared of that horrible thing! I couldn't bring myself to move forward and slash at the great hulking monster. I was lucky to get off any shots with my bow and those that I did get off missed the target terribly nearly hitting the guys instead. Not until Tilk fell did I realize that I had to move into the fray and beat at the beast the way I've trained. I have never seen anything so grotesque or scary in my life. I see that this war is only going to get worse. I cannot even imagine where they found such a beast. The question is why they would do that to a creature. I wonder if the creature was a natural creature before or if it was a curse from demons below. I don't see that we can possibly crush this evil if they can create creatures such as that.

Honestly, I'm not sure why we even stayed for that battle as it didn't do any good for us to be there. For one, the wizards kept themselves sheltered in their school, which doesn't make sense. The people of Saragost could have used their protection against those beasts. We could have used their help. I can't believe they truly expected us to fight back the Duergar by ourselves. Secondly, we didn't have the numbers or the expertise to fight such an army. I wonder how our scouts could've missed the fact that those monstrosities were amongst the Duergar.

After that useless battle I found myself in a trance on the way to the Elensil. Saying nothing to anyone else I went below deck to care for the horses. I removed their saddles and saddlebags; I brushed out the lather they had acquired on the rush to the ship. I spread out the fresh hay that the captain brought aboard and collected water from the tubs. After two hours of hard work and no thinking I finished the care of the horses. I then sat down on a bale of hay, broke down and cried. The pain of hearing those people scream and then watching them die while making our way to the Elensil was more than I could handle. Watching from afar while the city fell to ruin to those evil creatures was too much to bear. I screamed at the gods, "If you Gods are so strong and good why did you let all those people fall? Why did you let us fail? Why did you lead us in there only to sit back and watch us fail? Apparently you think we need more humbling! Being dragged from our homes and beaten down and killed isn't enough? Well, I think. . ."

I stopped my railing as I suddenly felt a sense of peace come over me. I could think of nothing more to say. As if it was being said to me I thought, "It is not my place to question the gods. It is my place to get home alive to my people in Kahoor. My people need me to keep fighting this insane war so that they will be as safe as all others in the world. My comrades in this war need me, as well."

After a few days of searching for answers and praying to the gods in general I answer Rygorh's plea that we need to discuss our next battle plans. I don't know what I can offer at this point but I feel better feeling that I may have someone to talk to even if I can't see or feel it. Perhaps this is the faith that Rygorh and Neil believe in so fervently. It does give a sense of calm to think you aren't the one in control of things and all things happen for a reason. I don't need to control all situations or be in charge of any battle. If I get a moment I will study the different gods and see which one would suit me best.

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Character History: Seebo the Knife

The low buzz of the inn droned in the background while The Knife sat at the bar staring a little too intently at his mug of ale. The latest dangers of the day had been laid to rest and all that remained was to wait for whatever was to come next. The Knife was fortunate enough to know what was coming next. He had been part of the group that discovered the Duergar army would reach Saragost in who knew how long.

The sunlight dimmed and patrons continued to flow into the inn. Martial law had been declared a few days earlier and rumors of the marching army had spread through the city very quickly. People panicked the first day but as time went on, the threat of war became less real to the citizens of Saragost.

Having fought against the agents of the Duergar and Drow for the last several days, The Knife was ready for a break, a reprieve from the constant dangers. This was probably the worst place in the world to wait for that reprieve though.

". . .The Knife . . . brought the army . ." A few words from a nearby conversation happened to catch the ear of The Knife. He sat without moving as he picked out the voices that were talking about him. "I'm almost sure of it."

"No, that guy looks too pudgy. Besides, he's only got two knives on his belt. I've got three on mine. You'd think anyone who calls himself 'the Knife' would be better equipped considering the army coming. That's just some lonely halfling; you don't know what you're talking about."

The Knife smiled to himself, "If they only knew." He could see he wouldn't find his peace here so he stood up on his barstool and jumped to the floor, leaving a few gold coins on the bar for his drinks. He turned toward the two men who had thought they were having a private conversation and gave a mischievous grin.

A waitress walked in front of The Knife temporarily blocking him from the view of the two men. When she passed, The Knife was gone, vanished with only his empty mug of ale a sign he was ever there. "See! I told you it was him! He heard every word you said. You better watch out and hope he's not the vengeful type!"

With less than hour until he was to meet back up with his compatriots, the Knife decided to take a nice, quiet walk to clear his mind. Passing another inn several blocks down, he heard a scuffle down a side alley. With a sigh of obvious discontent, the Knife made his way through the shadows to investigate what was going on.

Three men stood with short blades out threatening a young couple. A few words were exchanged, the thugs demanding all of the couples' valuables. How perfect; a mugging. Can't I find even a moment of peace tonight? The Knife thought to himself, pulling a blade of his own out as he silently made his way further into the alley.

"Where are we going Seebo?"

"It's a small town called Greenfield. I grew up there but I haven't been back in years."

Four halflings walked down a dirt road towards the small village of Greenfield. Seebo hadn't been back to his home in at least five years, and there was no telling what state of ruin his family farm was in. He didn't really care though. When he left he had no intention of looking back and that hadn't changed.

The mid-afternoon sun shone brightly in the sky warming the chilly January air keeping the walk very enjoyable. The first outlying farms could be seen as the four topped a hill, the Brookhollow place. Seebo stopped a moment and took a long look at the farm. This village held nothing but sadness for him, nothing but pain except for one memory.

Annie Brookhollow. She was Seebo's best friend and the only person he had ever really trusted. He wondered if she even remembered him. It had been long enough and the last time he had seen her they were both just children.

After the accident, Seebo wouldn't talk to anyone. He retreated within himself and cut the world out of his life. The only person who could ever get any sort of reaction out of him was Annie.

"Is everything alright? What do you see?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Let's go, I'm getting hungry. Don't fall behind or I'll leave your sorry arses out here in the middle of nowhere."

Two of the other halflings dropped back a bit to whisper among themselves. "What crawled down his throat and died?" They laughed and joked a bit more, Seebo seeming not to hear. He heard though; he just didn't care.

By the time the four had reached town, the sun had dropped below the horizon, the afternoon turned to evening and eventually to night. Torch lamps adorned the street casting long shadows across the ground. The wind had picked up making the fires dance wildly. Clouds closed in above to hide the light from the stars and the moon. The darkness grew deeper as the wind continued to howl.

As Seebo and his crew crossed into town, rain began to fall, slowly at first, but progressing into a full downpour very quickly. They made a quick run for the inn but couldn't escape the rain, each soaked to the bone.

They entered the inn and were greeted by the oddest sight. It was empty. There was no fire lit, no bard playing a lively tune, no patrons at all. The four of them stood for a moment caught completely off guard. "Is this normal Seebo? You come from a weird place."

"Shut up Terrin. No, this isn't normal. Gimme a second to find the innkeep. You guys wait here." Seebo shook the water out of his hair and his cloak quickly and ventured into the apparently deserted inn. He walked up to and behind the bar to take a look for any signs of recent activity; more to the point, hidden lockboxes that needed to be found. The bottles of wine and whiskey showed signs of recent use and the counter was clean enough, no dust or cobwebs. Seebo scanned the bottom shelves and cabinets real quick looking for that elusive lockbox. He was so intent on finding it he didn't even hear the barkeep come up behind him.

With a sword to the back of his neck, Seebo stopped what he was doing and slowly stood with his back to his assailant. He raised his hands in the air to show he was unarmed and meant no harm. "Turn around slowly lad."

Seebo turned as he was instructed, glancing over to the side where his crew was when he started his searching. They of course were not there, probably hiding in a corner not wanting to get into trouble. C"owards, "Seebo thought to himself promising he would make sure he repaid the favor to them . . .

"Now, what is it you're doing here lad. Not trying to steal my day's wages are ye?"

"No sir, I just came in from Haverdale, was trying to get out of the rain. I expected I would be able to get a room for the night but the inn looked deserted. I was just looking to see if that was the case or if there might be someone around."

"Behind me bar? A likely story. There are no rooms available for the likes of ye. Now get the hell out before I call the Constable."

"But it's pouring out there. You can't do this!"

"I can and I am. Get out of here!"

"You would do this to one of your own? You would do this to me, Seebo Hallowfield? Greenfield's lost son?"

"How dare you! Seebo was a good and decent boy! How dare you use his name to save your sorry hide!" The innkeeper backed away slowly, still keeping the sword point on the Seebo. "Anna! Go get Constable Kerny! We've got some trouble down here." The innkeeper yelled.

That was all they needed though. Seebo's crew jumped from the darkness and pounced on the barkeep, pinning him to the floor. Terrin wrestled the sword from his hands as Seebo, reached under the counter and pulled a small wooden box out. "You know I really was just looking for a room but since you seem to think me nothing but a common thief, who am I to argue? Thanks for the hospitality! Ok boys, let's go." Terrin struck the back of the barkeep's head with the pommel of the sword, knocking him unconscious.

Not wanting to go out the front door, just in case someone had heard all the commotion, the four halflings made their way through the kitchen to the back door. Once outside, they slowly sneaked down the alley. The rain had made it almost impossible to for them to hear the woman come out behind them . . .

Terrin let out a yelp of pain as a crossbow bolt struck him in the back. He fell forward, face down in a puddle of water. He didn't move.

Anger gripped Seebo; the rage built and blinded him from anything but revenge for seeing his friend fall before him. He pulled a dagger from his belt and spun, letting it fly as he came to face his foe. The knife flew wide, sticking in the wall to the left of a young woman fervently trying to reload her crossbow. The two others drew weapons too and advanced on her.

The rain hid her face. Long hair hung over the short frame of a halfling woman. Her simple dress was soaked and clung to her body outlining the curves of her shapely form. Seebo didn't see any of this. Terrin lay dead and only one thing mattered: vengeance.

Seebo's crew rushed forward and grabbed the frightened woman. She turned to run, but was not quick enough. They turned her around and threw her against the wall. She just stood there with a look of absolute terror in her eyes.

Seebo stepped forward slowly, his blade in hand. "They gave me a new name when I left. They saw fit to give me a new identity too. They called me The Knife. You're about to find out why little lady."

The woman reached up and pulled the hair from her eyes. She knew the voice. She thought she would never see him again. She was even more surprised that the once innocent boy she knew now threatened her. "Seebo? Is that you? No!"

Seebo faltered for a moment. He too knew that voice, it was Annie. He had thought he would never see her again. His anger subsided slightly as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. "That bitch killed Terrin! Do it Seebo!"

The two halfling holding her saw the hesitation in his eyes. They saw the doubt and the fear. The Knife had lost his edge. One of them turned and landed a punch square in Annie's stomach, causing her to double over and fall to the ground. The other halfling joined in as Seebo just watched, dumbstruck by what to do.

For several seconds the two laid into the poor woman, beating her for killing their friend. She cried out in pain. That was when Seebo snapped. His mind lost all conscious thought and he acted on instinct alone. He would never know what happened in those next few seconds.

The night passed and the dawn broke. Water dripped on Seebo's face, waking him from his unconscious state. He sat in an alley among small piles of trash. Four bodies lay around him, unmoving and silent. He struggled to sit up, his body ached. As he moved to stand, a sharp pain in his side brought him back to the ground. He looked down to see the side of his shirt caked with dried blood and a gash about four inches long in the side of his stomach.

He looked at the bodies around him. His crew was dead. There was a woman too. Fear took hold of him as he remembered a few stray details of last night. He had to get out of here and fast. He had no idea what was happening but he knew it wasn't good.

Seebo fought the pain, he fought the anger and the grief and he ran. He ran as far as his legs would take him. He collapsed in a copse of trees far from Greenfield, far from whatever life he had once had. The only woman he ever really cared for, the only friends he had ever known, what once was his home, it was all gone. Seebo had died last night with the rest of them. All that remained was The Knife.

One of the thugs reached out to grab a necklace the young woman was wearing but before his hand had reached the woman's neck, a small knife flew from the darkness piercing him through his palm. Surprised by the knife from nowhere the thug could only cry in agony as he clutched his hand, now drenched in blood.

The other two spun to look for the person who dared interrupt their business. In the moment of distraction, the couple bolted for the other end of the alley, trying desperately to escape harm's way. One of the thugs caught them before they could get far while the leader turned expecting to find a new prey.

But there was none, only darkness. "What the hell?"

"You should let them go. No one has to die tonight."

The three thugs broke into laughter at the threat. Another knife flew from the darkness on the other side of the alley, this time finding the neck of the thug who blocked the couples' escape. He dropped to the ground, blood pooling on the ground next to him.

The leader grabbed the woman and pulled a dagger to her throat. "Come out where we can see you or she dies now!" The Knife stepped from the shadows into the light, hands up to show he was unarmed. "You're just a little shit." The leader shoved the woman at The Knife and tossed his dagger into her back. She fell forward into his arms gasping for breath. Anger like he had felt only once before in his life took over. The Knife would never know what happened in those next few moments, just as before.

His eyes shot open and he leaped to his feat pulling a blade in one swift motion. But there was only silence in the darkness. Five bodies lay on the ground before him. With a cold look, The Knife put away his blade. He closed his eyes, so tight he felt he might never again be able to open them. But the anger passed. The grief passed. He calmly pulled his cloak about him and climbed for the rooftops. He stopped a moment at the top of the building and glanced back at the alley. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

The Knife quietly made his way back to the Inn of the Flaming Beard, humming a light-hearted tune to himself, as if this day had never happened.

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Chronicles of Rygorh: The War Begins

We spent two days preparing for the coming army, many of us scribed scrolls, Neil created a cloak for Casey and some bought some items they thought were needed. Casey attempted to research information on our enemy to but to no avail. I think the single most important thing that happened over those two days was that we had probably the first discussion since we came together without some type of argument ensuing. I think we pulled together as a group and found a new sense of who were and what we had to do in a world now gone mad. Alev again called me his friend, and this time I think he truly meant it as I have had my doubts in the past. Hmm, friendship a word I never really gave much thought to always feeling that people used such words in order to exert some type of control over others. I do believe by Firinna's divine wisdom we have finally come together, unified to meet the coming forces of darkness for when it begins here; it will not end for us until the final battle. Not a day too soon either since the day we all dreaded was upon us, today the army from the darkness arrives to destroy these people.

The morning came, the sky was bright and the sun shown warm as usual. Looking skyward you would never think anything was amiss. Then you walk the streets and you could feel the heavy sense of foreboding in the air. Normally on a day as this the streets of Saragost were teaming with people buying and selling, speaking to associates about business or heading to a tavern. On this day the streets were empty except for the periodic patrol that passed by. It felt odd walking these streets and to hear the crunch of our own footsteps on the deserted road. As we made our way to the harbor in order to check the ship that had been so kindly loaned to us by the Lady Arigane it was obvious that those who could flee had. The Elensil sat moored at her dock like some forgotten relic that someone left behind in the now vacant harbor. Her crew saw us coming met us at the dock and assured us that she would be ready to cast off whenever we were ready. As a group we made one final visit to the counsel chambers to discuss battle plans and city defenses. I must say Alev had some ingenious ideas with those explosives we had confiscated. After eating a quick but unsatisfying meal, sigh, the feeling of dread that filled the city was unsettling.

As I walked silently with my companions towards the wall to wait the final hours before war was before us I could feel my pulse quicken slightly in anticipation. Soon the wall and battlements loomed before us and the familiar feelings of battle lust began building inside my chest. I breathed a silent prayer to the Goddess that my strength of body and spirit would hold out this day and I would do her proud. I mounted the steps and looked out across the field; there were some still preparing snares and traps in the grasses outside the city. I could see a scout or two at a distance keeping watch; a couple of columns of men marched around the walls making sure nothing is forgotten. Looking down the walls I see lines of men in anticipation of what is to come. In some you can see the fear in their eyes, others a questioning look uncertain about what the future holds. Some faces seem familiar. Hmm, could be one of a dozen people I've seen in many different cities the last two weeks. The faces that I am certain about are the men from Chalksmere, were boars; they are a powerful force indeed; to them is the task hold back the enemy if the gates fall.

Lastly I look at my companions . . . my friends; feels kind of odd to think that word even now. Such a motley bunch we are with the weight of the world on our shoulders. The small ones Neil who will speak to the wall, sky or empty chair so energetically and Knife quiet for the most part but has no problem saying something when he feels strongly. Then there are the two arcane ones, studious Rumus always with his nose in a book and Alev, standing so proud and just as quick to press his point as I am. Of course, there is Tilk the silent giant who has no fear and is glad to give in to his rage and bring that massive sword down on the object of his rage. Lastly I come to Casey keeping to her own thoughts most of the time however like the Knife will make her opinion clear when she feels something strongly; I do suspect there is much more to her that can be learned. All fine people in there own way, I guess, however, everyone of ‘em has shown his or her mettle in combat; that is what is needed today.

Then of course, there is me, strange how things work out just a little over two weeks ago I could care less about the world as a whole. I spent my days telling of Firinna to villages and doing the work of the Goddess. By the planes of hell I usually ended up inciting people to rise up from their oppressive dictators and lords, take their lives in their own hands and live as they choose. Now look at me: here I stand on the battlements of a city, Saragost, ready to defend this city against the coming army . . .

What's that sound? A deep thunderous rhythm coming from the distance, for a moment I had forgotten where I was, lost in thought. My heart skips a beat; I can see movement in the distance, getting closer and closer. I can see them now the army has finally arrived. War is upon us; may Firinna guide my blade!

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Drow War I: the Gathering Storm - PC Fiction (part 1)

An archive of player-posted fiction from the first half of Book I of the Drow War.

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Seebo the Knife: The Darkness Descends

Let's recap a bit.

I'm on a boat heading for Xoth Sarandi to hit the Sea Gate and head for bigger and better things. I must have blacked out because I woke up in a forest, lying on the side of a hill. That's when it all began.

Six strangers brought together by a pre-ordained destiny met for the first time that night. They would form the Starborn, the force of Good meant to battle the Host for the fate of Ashfar. Looking at us, you wouldn't have guessed we would save the world.

Chillhame is where it all ended a thousand years ago and so that is where it all began that fateful night. In the coming days we learned about the dark dwarf army amassing and preparing to march on Chillhame. We had ten days to warn the entire island, not nearly enough time. But we did it. We warned them and when the army marched, everyone knew they were coming, we thought we were prepared.

Bronce, Lichgate, Lower Scumsgrove, Churney-on-the-Green, Hockton Barrow, Chalksmere, Vanondale and Saragost, we warned them all. Those who could fight, prepared. The rest evacuated to Saragost to prepare to defend. We even uncovered the hidden agents in the city, the Drow plots to set an explosive of some sort at the wall and also the poison for the water supply. None of it mattered in the end.

Saragost still fell. We boarded the ship Lady Arigane had provided for us and we fled.

Don't misunderstand though. When the battle started, we went out to do what we could to the army. We flanked them from the rear and started hitting their supply stations and even found a commander or two.

To beat down the gate, they didn't use the normal siege weapons you might expect. Rather they brought with them two dozen or so undead monstrosities. The ogre that was ambushing refugees on the road was big and bad, some of the dark dwarves were pretty big and bad, but nothing compared to these things. They were monstrously huge. Rygorh fought this thing on his own with me and Neil doing what we could to keep him alive with healing magic. Tilk charged in just a moment too soon to help Rygorh. The creature brought Tilk down with little effort but Rygorh, Neil and I just kept at it until it eventually fell.

Rumus had headed for the gate to help try and slow the army from breeching into the city. It was a valiant effort. When the gates gave way, it was all over. The force of the army was just too much, they had more numbers than we expected, they were better equipped and more organized. If you were going to march an army of ten thousand hundreds of miles to conquer a city, would you just lay down and die when you got there? Neither would they.

We still had hope though. We raced back to the city to see what kind of a defense Saragost was able to put up within the city. That was truly disheartening. The city was lost. The dark dwarves swarmed through the streets. We knew we had to make it away, if we fell here, the world would be lost to darkness.

As much as it hurt, as much as we wanted to stay and fight to the last man, we knew we couldn't. The Elensil would be ready to go when we got there. We took Tilk down to the Node just as we had for Alev only a few days before. We then made our way to the Sanctuary where Rumus had fled once the gate fell, informed Lady Arigane of what was happening and then we made for the ship.

It was heartbreaking to watch as we sailed away. The sounds of battle, the screams of men dying by the hundreds, the city set ablaze, it was all too much.

No matter how much we did to save them, no matter how hard we fought, the darkness still came and it was overwhelming. The true nature of what lay before us was all too apparent in the fading lights of the fallen Saragost.

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